Music: ピンク・レディー - UFO
Mari’s thought’s on:
Wolf’s Rain 4 - 8: Toboe has a tight little ass, that he does ^___^ And I think he also has a crush on Tsume
As for Cheza, she just keeps freaking me out every time I see her
Matantei Loki Ragnarok 5 - 6: Bwahaha~ XD I’m loving Frey! He’s such a dork. But he’s a pretty dork ^_^ And he’s also voiced by Koyasu Takehito so he can be as dorky as he wants to be with me! And that pig of his is hilarious XD Although I’m questioning his liking to Mayura. Really now, he could have done much better
I am liking Reiya though. She’s very cute; so much cuter than Mayura when she was a kid
Weiss Kreuz Gluhen 6 - 7: XD Yo-tan’s hair! It’s yellowish blonde! XD The kind of color a Japanese would get if they bleach their hair! And it’s short too XD OMG Miki Shinichiro used to have his hair like that XD I knew what his new character design looked like before but damn!
Ken-Ken kinda looks the same as before. But seems cooler. And has bit more sense of style
Saishu Heiki Kanojo 11 - 13: *crying* OMG T_T The ending, it was kinda weird but it was touched me so much T_T Ended up having an End of Evangelion sort of ending but it was alright cause the characters that I wanted to live are still alive. Unlike Eva where the fricken’ German bitch survives >:( but that’s beside the point. Ah~ I love this series *cries* T_T
Arcana: Shiieeeet! Holden’s not getting back together with Sloane! >< Damn you, Vincent!
New Layout. God, the weirdness of it all O_O Yet the dress does match him very nicely
I’ve been going on a Pink Lady craze ever since I started singing SOS again. Hoo yah, I want karaokes of their old poppy songs... lyrics would be nice too...
*sings* 地球 の. 男 に. 飽きた ところ よ! Ah~
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 10:31 PM
Music: 雅-Miyavi- - 自分革命-2003-
Review on the Saiyuki dub
- prefer the Japanese voice for Sanzo over the English. Although it’s probably because I love Seki Toshihiko’s voice more than anyone else’s ^^
- Goku and Gojyo’s voices are not bad but was a little hard to get used to in the beginning. Somehow Goku seems a bit more brattier in the dub. And why doesn’t he scream out "Nyoibo"? And the writers shouldn’t have cut out Goku’s food jokes, it’s not him without them >_>
- "Holy Shit"?! Since when does Hakkai ever swear?! Or makes threats for that matter O_O My God, even Yaone is swearing ><
- Hakuryu’s voice is not cute enough XP
- Why are characters making it like every youkai is suppose to have a limiter on them?
Gojyo: Ok, you’re going to get me another beer and I’m gonna take this ca and shove it up your whiny ass, ya got that?!
Goku: You’re just looking for an excuse to touch my ass, aren’t ya?!
Mari: *spits out water* W-what? O_O
Gojyo: You little fag! Don’t project your fantisies on me!
Sanzo: Your little unrequited love affair is starting to get on my nerves. Get a room!
Hakkai: Oh my. Awful quiet back there, guys. Are you making out? ^_^
Gojyo x Goku, ne~...
Sanzo: (to Hakkai) God, I wish you and I could just do this alone.
Hakkai: Uh-huh. But then it wouldn’t be as much fun. ^_^
What’s this? Are you suggesting an orgy, Hakkai? >_>
And there was this line I found just wrong:
Goku: Sanzo’s fat butt needs to get a lot of practice.
C'mon, just when is Sanzo ever fat? The man's anorexic to begin with!
I tried this thing called Sun-In the other day and mom’s saying that my hair already looks lighter than before. I can’t really tell myself though >_>
Oh and I’m sick again. Surprise *cough cough*
Wa~n, Takanori-sama’s gonna be at Otakon! I wanna go, dammit! ><
Graduation present, anyone? *big sparkly eyes*
Uwa~ they’re so cute! Thank you ^_^ *smooshies* Yura-sama~ Aya~n ^___^

You are The Twins, from "The Matrix."
Bad, but with a sexy streak- surprisingly
refreshing. You know what you want, when you
want it.
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Woo~ Twins~
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 2:18 PM
Music: 椎名林檎 - 丸の内サディスティック
Survey found in most blogs lately
- Character (from anywhere) you absolutely do NOT want to see killed off. :: any one of my favs
- Character you DO want to see killed off. :: Ahaha, so many to list ^^; Well there’s Akari, cause of the way she treats poor Hikaru. Then there’s An, cause she always seems to make trouble for Momo. Oh and Asuka, the german bitch with her irritating “I’m the greatest human being in the entire universe” attitude crap. Actually a lot of the main girl characters are pretty irritating
- Character you don't want to see go evil. :: Sai, although I doubt I could ever see him as evil anyway. And Yamino-kun and Akira-kun, can’t see them evil either
- Character who would be fucking AWESOME going evil!!! >:D :: Inui! XD Loki would be a kick ass villain too XD
- Most under-rated relationship in a series. :: I can never find a good Fuji x Eiji fic ><
- Most OVER-rated relationship. :: Oh god, so many to name. Seishirou x Subaru, Yuki x Shuichi, Tsuzuki x Hisoka are heard way too often. Heero and Duo, Hiei and Kuruma, Gojyo and Hakkai to me are just friends And I think Yuki doesn’t need Tohru as much as Kyo does
- Character who should get laid RIGHT NOW! :) :: Any young boy wearing short shorts are dying to get raped! XD~ Also Nagi and Omi should get together and have hot steamy sex XD
- Couple who it would be a crime if they don't get married. :: Taiichi x Yamato. That’s right, fuck Sora XD Hikaru x Akira. Jubei and Kazuki, Trowa and Quatre are already considered married XD Tatsumi x Tsuzuki are fuckin’ cute together. And Kyo and Tohru definitely. Gee, my only hetro couple on the list XD
- Top three male characters you'd marry. (I mean, the actual "where did the bath-plug go to, dear?" day-to-day living with them deal) :: 1) Sanzo-sama~ since I already worship him so much XD 2) Akira-kun, who is probably the best husband for me since he’s a cute short shorts wearing boy who can cook X9 3) tie between Yamato, cause I just love young hot rock star bishies ^^, and Eiji, cause he’s cheerful, entertaining, and cute with his nya~s ^^
- Top three female characters you'd marry. :: *evil grin* Hehe 1) Reni~ , my cute lil’ german prodigy ^___^ 2) Tohru cause she’s cute and makes a good wife 3) Yui cause she’s really cute ^_^
God fuck it, I hate tripod and their stupid neverending ads. I should really consider moving my blog someplace else...
Happy belated bday ^_^ *smooshie*
Hope you get better soon ^_^ *smooshie*
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 10:10 PM
Music: 谷戸由李亜 - サヨナラ
Got "lei-ed" once again…
At my Gold Award Ceremony Sunday. Was very tiring listening to all those speeches but I made it! No more Girl Scouting for me! Not ever! I never have to wear this dumpy looking uniform ever again! Mwaha~
On the side note, I got to see the twins, who were getting their gold as well. It was nice seeing them again ^_^
Now I shall get "lei-ed" once more three weeks from now at my graduation ^^
Watched Saishu Heiki Kanojo 8-10. God, I luv this series T_T Stupid Atsushi! Poor Tetsu! Fuyumi, that bitch! And Akemi... I thought she was one of those typical pricks who stupidly falls in love with their own childhood friend but I respect her now T_T Ah~ I can’t wait to see the final eps
Layout for Miki fanlisting is amusing me. Excuse me, is he saying "Please rape me?" ^_^
New Layout. Pretty lil’ Hisoka ^_^ Glad ya luv the pics!
Twi~ns ^____^
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 9:50 PM
Music: Psycho le Cemu - 浪漫飛行 (Rock Tune)
はい はい
Le~zu~ ^___^
Birthday present 1
Birthday present 2
Birthday present 3
Birthday present 4
Birthday present 5
Birthday present 6
I get the rest up later if you still want em
Enjoy ^_^
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 9:14 AM
Music: hide – 限界破裂
Matrix Reloaded
Nii-san decided to be nice to Mari and take her out to see Matrix ^_^ God, it was good. Neo was kickin’ ass and Agent Smith was really cool. Ah~, my new found luv for the dreadlock twins
Twin 1: *blank stare* We are getting agitated.
Twin 2: *blank stare* Yes, we are.
XD Nyahahaha~ XD For the people who haven’t watched it yet but planning to, wait until the credits end. You’ll get to see a preview of the next sequel
Gothic Lolita fans, go to this page and d/l Theme: GOTHIC & LOLITA for a very interesting report on the fashion with an special appearance from Mana-sama~
And while you’re at it you can d/l the rest of the videos there too ^^
Okay, new layout. It’s nice to see another new pretty Sanzo layout again ^^
Cute sprites ^_^ I hope you start your Psycho craze again soon. And when your Zy comes in, could you please scan that one nice little picture of Ayan showing leg for me? I’ll be your pet if you do. I make good pet, I really do X3 Nya~
![[KR]Cube Shinya](
You are Shinya. Silent and sexy with killer moves-
even your weapons are good looking. No one gets
in your way. If you don't like it, you take
care of it.
Which [KR] Cube character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
I love this song. I love Shinya's part in this pv. And damn I love Shinya showing leg X3
Your ideal mate is Nightcrawler. His appearance
may be a bit off-putting, but his heart and
personality more than make up for it. He is
shy and isn't very sociable and comes off as a
bit of a loner (but you'll fix that). He is
also devoted and strong, and he always seems to
just *pop* up whenever you need him the most. :
Who Is Your Ideal X-Men 2 Mate? (ladies only)
brought to you by Quizilla
Nighty~ I still haven't forgotten about you X3
Dorky guy’s worse line to say when trying to impress me:
What’s your grade point average?
*eye twitch x2*
Oh~ yes, how the dorks just keep on irriating me >_>
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 8:58 PM
Music: Psycho le Cemu - 浪漫飛行 (Pop Tune)
し. あ. わ. せ~
Nyaha~ I got my new Roman Hikou single! It’s so cuuuute ^___^ Kinda pop-ish but cute. Third track has the same song but less pop ^^ Ayan looks so precious~ And Yura-sama looks so hot XD The single came with a DVD of Gekiai Merry-Go-Round and Shunkanshuutou and even came with a little calendar card ^_^
Bridged out from Girl Scouts yesterday. I got lots of leis, a yellow rose, and a pretty pink butterfly balloon ^^ *jingles balloon* Now all’s there’s left is the Gold Award Banquet...
Oh God. Thanks to Astarise-chan I found out which Getbackers episode was the onsen one. Oh God Oh God. Jubei and Kazuki make such a cute couple! I d/l this ep for those rabu rabu scenes. That and to see Kazuki-kun nekkid ^_^ Cuz Mari just luv that pretty boy so much ^___^
Also Pierrot’s singing the new opening song now. Such a nice song ^_^
Scroll down this page for some AYA LEG!! XD XD
You know, I just might get this issue as well
Nightmare screenshots here. And Mari wants these pictures. Ah~ Ruka’s uber cuteness has stolen my heart ^_^ And goddamn, Sakito has such a lickable stomach! Look at him! He’s just begging to be licked X9
Aaand someone was nice enough to scan a few pics of the TeniPuri Musical ^^ Anime version and Musical version. Kimeru’s trying his best to become Fuji ^_^
You are pansexual.
What is your sexual orientation?
brought to you by Quizilla
...Ahahaha *thinks of Mana, Aya, Shinya, etc.* ^^;;
Why do I always seem to attract the dorky guys? If they were good looking then that would be another story. And I know that I’m cute (^^) and all but you know... >_>
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 3:09 PM
Music: 椎名林檎 – 茎(STEM)~大名遊ビ編~
So Pretty...
Wah~ I saw Stem PV~ Now I wanna see Hyaku Iro Megane~ It looks so good~ I need a regional DVD player! ><
Kasumi PV reminds me of The Ring O_o
Uwa~ Fool’s Mate June has Kagrra... and Nightmare... and Kagerou! O_O Must~ get~
Birthday coming up, eh? Saaay, since Toddy’s coming back soon how about I scan those Sugi x Shinya pics you’ve been asking from my Fool’s Mate May? Along with the Toshiya and the Nightmare ones of course :3

You're Ryoma!
(Prince of Tennis) Which Seigaku Regular are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
...snarky? *snerk*
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 10:55 PM
Music: Dir en grey - かすみ
More money go Bye-Bye~
I went to Hakubundo yesterday and brought Dir en grey's Kasumi~ Not as addicting as Drain but still good. Come back today to find out that I bought enough cds from them to get a (somewhat) free album, so yay! Since I couldn’t special order the freebie, I went with hide BEST album, which I still haven’t listen to yet. Went to Shirokiya, bought volume 1 of Matantei Loki which is a little bit more violent than the anime. Also saw Hyde's evergreen single that I had to buy since it was so cute. The case is in a shape of a coffin~ XD
Bleh! I hate you Tripod and your stupid ads that keeps interfering with my layouts! XP
Hee, I personally like K on the mic and on the drums ^_^
And just for the heck of it, Shinsengumi Miyabi~ *spazz*
I’m thinking of using my birthday money to color my hair. Maybe Gackt light brown? ^___^
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 7:39 PM
Music: ナイトメア - 自傷(少年テロリスト)
Slow Day
Watching Weiss Kreuz OVAs. God Omi is too cute for words. Sleeping on Ken-Ken’s shoulder like tha~t and talking to Ken-Ken afterwards like tha~t ^^
Ah~ the Weiss fighting scene was hot~ Crawford and SchuSchu even make an appearance in the end. Much better animation than the tv series. And with actually blood in them. Wow~
Also catching up on TeniPuri. I can name most of the techniques now ^^
Nightmare – Jishou Shonen Terrorist Pv *LOL* My God. Nothing can explain how stupid or how weird this video is. The band as puppets. Yomi probing Hitsugi. Hitsugi getting back at him by dropping a pot on his head XD
Finished Charlie Rabu Rabu Ending. Heh heh, I hooked up with the president of the largest corporation in the cosmos. Kewl ^_^
Really nice baroque pics here (Hee~ position switching madness~) and really nice Psycho le Cemu pics here (Aw~ Ayan looks so squishy in his new school uniform~)
New blog layouts here and here
And you two: Upon going to your new sites, I went through the following emotions...
...nya? *click* ...nya?! ...nya~ ©
Luv ya~! And please don’t look at me like that ^^;;;
I wanna see Bruce Almighty~! But it has Jennifer Aniston in it. Ew~
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 8:47 PM
Music: Moi dix Mois - Dialogue Symphonie
Okay, I’m ready to blog now
*deep breath* The whole thing is giving me a headache but anyway...
I saw X2! There was Colossus, and Kitty, and Siryn, and Jubilee, and Nightcraweler~! Although they just called him Kurt for most of the screen time. Gah~ All the Nightcrawler scenes were so cute~
But enough of the Kurt "Vagner" (hee hee ^^) fawning, Wolverine and Magneto were really neat. I still can’t believe that the guy playing Wolverine is also the guy that did Leopold O_o He must be a good actor
And the Matrix Reloaded trailer! I got to see more of those twins~
Person who played Lady Deathstrike is from here. That’s kinda neat ^_^
No like spoil but expect another sequel. Which means more Kurt! © Sequel, come soon~ X3
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 10:16 PM
Music: none
More than a Family Problem
Grampa took away more money from us again.
And the reason he gives us doesn’t make sense.
It was dad’s stocks, right?
Why is he using it?
Shouldn’t we get it?
I don’t understand.
What's going to happen to us?
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 6:36 PM
Music: Sugizo feat. bice – Rest in Peace & Fly Away
Waiching PVs
Woah, there’s a lot of vids I’ve downloaded and never watched yet O_o Let’s see…
Gackt – Kimi ga Matteiru kara (live) is a pretty little song I wonder if he’s ever gonna release a single of this
Pierrot – Clear Sky Ah, back in the days when Pierrot were somewhat visual. The style of the pv actually reminds me of Torikago. Ooh, Aiji in a cage ^___^
Malice Mizer – Kyomu no nakade no yuugi (live) Kya~ Mana-sama~ Please whip me all you want ^//////^
rice – Haruka Beautiful song. I never really noticed until now but Yuki has really long hair now ^^ And I never knew that Yuki could reach such a high note Oo *sigh* It really is nice to have Yuki-kun back
Klaha – scape ~with transparent wings I still can’t recognize Klaha without his makeup O_o I hate to say it but the video makes me think I’m watching a Gackt pv. Other than that the song is pretty
hide – In Motion Oh My God. It’s a hide plushie, fighting an evil monster, saving the girl and the world O_O
Sugizo feat. bice – Rest in Peace & Fly Away Pv’s kinda weird for such a pretty song. The carnival parts remind me of Tremolo~ And that girl in the beginning had awful hair XP
Episode 2 of Matantei Loki Ragnarok introduced Narugami-kun voiced by Shotaro Morikubo who was famous for Orphen in Sorcerer Stabber Orphen. Amusing character ^_^
Ah~ Loki-sama calls out for his weapon and I start thinking of Sailor Moon ^^;;
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 7:30 PM
Music: YAMOTO - 楽園の扉 (tv size)
Mari has found a new love...
And its name is Blueberry Mouse Pocky X3
But Strawberry will always be in my heart of course X3
Matantei Loki Ragnarok is very cute. But episode one case was a bit lame with that "spirited doll thinks her master doesn’t like her anymore" crap. Although if I did wanted to watch a good detective anime I would pop in one of my friend’s Kindaichi files tapes.
So why is Mari watching this anime? Why because of Loki-sama of course ^_^
Not that I’m saying to not watch it if you’re not a shota fan. Nevertheless it really is a cute anime. Expecting to see more good stuff later ^___^
Miki Shinichirou is voicing the innocent looking butler Yamino-kun. I’m getting flashbacks of Yami no Matsuei ^^;
New layouts here and here. Mari will get hers up soon ^^;;

You're underage yaoi. You like them prepubescent
and horny! Hey, nobody's pointing fingers, but
that's illegal...
What kind of yaoi are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Yea! Shota Pride! ^___^
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 9:30 PM
Music: rice - アンゲルディエ 月の彩
Aha ha ha...
Somehow I feel loved. サンキュ, みんな ^^v Mari is getting better, little by little
I have to say without my birthday money, I wouldn't have gotten my Shiina Ringo album ^^ Luv it very much. Shukyo is another song that will be forever be in my head.
Stem’s in Japanese O_o Impressive... Liked Yattsuke Shigoto in the other cd better though
Also have Gothic & Lolita Bible vol. 8 brought with birthday money, of course ^_^
- Pretty clothes~ Pretty dresses~ Mari wishes she can order some~ :3
- I also love this Atelier Boz ad. Something about it attracts me
- Mana-sama looking very manly in a few pics and girly in the rest ^^
- Kana’s "Prince of Saturn" look is neat.
- Aya! My whole reason getting this mook. That and Mana-sama, of course ^^ Uwa~ Pretty Gothic Loli Aya~n
- recipes, places to go, blah blah...
- really fucked up comic version of Alice in Wonderland O_o If people thought Yuki Kaori was bad, this one's worse. Character designs are nice though
- Kinda old and not very girly looking guy with a big nose attempting Gothic Loli O_O *eye twitch x2*
- Kamijo, showin’ off accessories and stuff
- Miyabi’s version of a gothic prince and princess, modeled by himself. Classic XD~
- Patterns for ties, petticoats, and such
- Ooh! Simple dressed Kana-chan with bear clips, I like ^_^
And Yuki Kaori has fucked my brain over yet again.
And I still wanna
No spoiling, buuut...
Wah~ My Arakune~ I liked him when he was cute and flirty and sweet and gaaaay >< Why’d sensei turn him into a bad guy? Or even worse, kill him? Was she getting bored of him? ;_;
Michael rawks ^^ Raphael’s interesting too but Michael just rawks ^^
Mari has Rice mp3s! ^^ Whee~ Yuki, I missed you and your voice so much ^___^
Yeah! XD More Psycho gakuen goodness! More School Girl Aya~ XD
Hee~ seek looks like a delinquent ^__^
Miffy’s back ^_^ *smooshie*
New layouts here here (cute cam ^^) here and here. Mari also needs to get a new layout up soon

your jrock alter ego is - izam!
who is your jrock alter ego?
brought to you by Quizilla
Izam, huh? Interesting...
Which reminds me, Happy Belated Birthday, Izam ^_^
For those people who still haven't gotten me anything for my bday yet, click here *niko niko* ^___^
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 3:42 PM
Music: Raphael - 秋風の狂詩曲
Guess what?
I turned fucking 18 today.
I know I shouldn’t be bitter on my birthday. I should be enjoying myself. Skip school. Go out with my friends and sing karaoke till dawn. But unfortunately I’m not that kinda person.
Sure it’s nice getting money and stuff but if I had a choice I would like to get money on say something like Christmas much more. At least Christmas doesn’t require you turning old to get money.
Now I suppose people will be telling me now, "But Mari, you’re still young. You’re only eighteen."
Exactly my point. I may be eighteen but the years of my childhood has just run out.
Eighteen is the coming age of adulthood. An age where more responsibilities and expectations are given to you. An age where the state considers you legally not as a child but as an adult.
Which is also something which I personally am not ready for.
To be quite frank I was quite happy just being seventeen. Yes, there were times where I wished I was a bit more younger, so that I would at least have a bit more of an excuse with my shota complex. At least it would have been somewhat legal, yes? But seventeen was just about right for me. At that age, you’re technically not an adult and yet there are so many more privileges at that age. Like being able to get into a R movie by yourself and being able to drive a car by yourself and so many other things I could name.
But unfortunately an ordinary person cannot how you say turn back the hands of time. I will someday have to accept the fact that I have turned eighteen and that I am legally an adult. Just not now, and not soon...
Oh and by the way...
Fuck you birthdays. Fuck you and go to hell.
I apologize for this rant out of the blue. Needed to get it out of my system. I shall be back to my somewhat ordinary self in a few days ^_^
EDIT: Greaaat
Now the fucking scale is telling me that I somehow have gained ten pounds.
Well you know what Mr. Scale. Fuck you too XP
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 2:38 PM
Music: Chicago - Cell Block Tango
not again…
One of my friends decided to show a few of his new animes he got while he was in Japan. One of them being a show called Kiddy Grade.
Now unlike my female friends who usually fall for the cute young guys in a show, I tend to go for the shotas. In this case it was Mercredi, the secretary kid. With the gray hair and all, I guess I sorta of thought of that character as a Reni with glasses. Thus already being interested I comment:
Mari: When is that shota boy coming out again?
friend: What shota boy?
Mari: You know the one with the gray hair and glasses.
friend: What? Mercredi’s a girl.
*long pause*
Mari: Aw well. I still like her ^^
I’m not too surprised really. After all I fell for Reni the same way.
Call Mari a lez all ya like. At this point she probably is at least 30% gay ^^;;
As for the series itself, well, let’s say it’s not the greatest thing I’ve ever seen. The plot is in fact interesting and that lipstick weapon thing the main character uses does amuse me quite a bit. But just something about the anime just doesn’t make me wanna buy the stuff. One of those things I suppose.
Dammit, the thing bad about Easter is that almost every single store is closed on that day >< And just when I had just gotten some of my birthday money too…

Quiz Title
Oi, Oi. Only shotas, no lolitas >_>
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 8:56 PM
Music: 雅 (Bob XD) - 死んでもBoogie-Woogie
No School Day!
Whee~ *rolls* I luv long weekends X3
Mari finally got to see Chicago! XD Ah~ it was such a good movie~ I loved how they did my favorite number "Cell Block Tango". All those cell gates and red lights, was great ^___^
Catherine Zeta-Jones was really good at the dances especially in "I Can’t Do it Alone". She deserved getting that Academy. And I was impressed with Richard Gere’s dance as well considering that he isn’t a tap dancer
I was surprised that Lucy Liu was in it. And she played Kitty! Spunky triple homicide Kitty! ^_^ Too bad they couldn’t get a guy to play Mary Sunshine. He/She was also another favorite of mine
They have twins in the new Matrix! With dreadlocks! XD Kinda wanna see it now…
You’re Under Arrest has a dorama?! Was tempted to watch so I actually downloaded an episode. I don’t like what they did to Miyuki. She should have longer hair. And when did she ever get so good at fighting? She’s like a Natsuki double >< Possibly more about it later when I actually watch it
I wonder if there’s an Aoi-chan. A pretty guy in a police woman uniform, now that would make me watch XD
Very tempted to watch MaLoki Ragnarok. Shotas Shotas and Shotas galore X3 Will be watching soon...
Ko’s new layout. Ow, my eyes >___<
Lezzie-Lezu also has a sexi new Totchi layout. And has kindly showed her readers to this lovely site. A few of the ones I like:
I’ve seen most of the Gackt pictures before, including the Takano Yuri ones. This one pic tends to amuse me quite a bit. He just looks so fem in this one *licks*
Gah, I luv this pic. I luv it when Kiricho writes on his chest ^^
I see London, I see France, I see LOTS OF SUGIZO’S ASS!! XD
So how about showing us the front side, eh? XD XD

I am the Impersonator incident!
He's ugly, kind of chubby, not very good at his job, bad at playing music, and he's impersonating GACKT? That's an unforgivable crime.
In the classic Candid Camera style, Gackt shows up in the middle of his impersonator's (very bad) performance and very hilariously humiliates the crap out of him.
And we're all thankful for it. (Next time, we want to see more of Papaya Suzuki, too!)
Which Gackt TV appearance are you?
quiz by
Ah, yes. I have that clip somewhere stored in my drive. He was pretty bad ><

Shota-Con Fan
What Kind of a Hentai Yaoi Freak are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Why yes, I am. And I'm damn proud of it too *beams* ^___^
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 7:01 PM
Music: 蜉蝣 - アイドル狂いの心裏学
vein popping and gibberish
Marvin emailed me a day ago asking me if I went to the Gackt concert.
What the fuck?! Gackt was performing?! O_o
According to this article he performed last Sunday at a Waikiki hotel. It also says that this was his second time performing here.
Second time?! O_O He performed here before?! Gawd dammit!
What really disgusts me is that those stupid Japanese advertise around the island when stupid pop stars like Amuro Namie come to do a concert and yet for some stupid reason they don’t do any of that shit when he comes. There are lots of Gackt fans here, including me of course. Why not advertise here as well?
What do I have to do to find out about these things? Actually blow my money on paying for a Dears membership so that I can know when he’s coming here? There’s no fucking way I’m doing that >< I don't think it's even possible!
Gah, I’m in such a rotten mood now >< Maybe I should have wasted my time hanging around Waikiki
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 3:09 PM
Music: hide - 限界破裂
(Somewhat) Sick Day
Few minutes before the bell rang my eye started getting red and swollen. The health nurse thought it might have been an infection and sent me home
Apparently it was an allergic reaction to something, from what the doctor said. But it wasn’t too much of a big deal so I’ll be going back to school tomorrow
Spent the day watching Weiss Kreuz Gluhen 2 – 5:
The new series has much more blood now, which I like. It was kinda hard to believe that somebody was killed if they didn’t have any gushing of blood coming out of them. They are assassins after all
I was surprised that they decided to kill off one of the (supposed) main characters. Well at least it wasn’t any of the original ones
Next ep is gonna have Ken and Yohji! ^___^
Vampire Yui has a game out for Playstation 2 with Horie Yui starring as Yui and Midorikawa Hikaru as Nagi! More reason for me to get an imported PS2 ><
Finished Timka Rabu Rabu ending. Went back to his planet and became his queen (or princess I forgot). It was alright, nothing really special happened. Ending picture was nice though. Looked like a wedding scene ^_^
EDIT: Rumor has it that Gackt is on vacation here and was last seen at one of the beaches around Waikiki
At the moment I am fighting the urge to go down there and hang around the hotels to wait and see him ^///^
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 2:59 PM
Music: Chachamaru - Kagero
Kimi ga Oikaketa Yume PV
Oh wow, what can I say, I love it ^^
The song itself really isn’t that great but when you watch the pv it just makes it so much better ^^ Surprised that Gackt actually used a Japanese girl as his love interest. And all this time I thought he had a thing for Gaijin women ^^ She’s kinda ugly though, maybe it’s her hair
You know this kinda reminds me of that female Korean singer pv in a way. That one where the girl burns her eyes and the guy gives her his or something like that. The way it just surprises you at the end. I don’t wanna spoil. Go watch ^^
Also found a two mp3s from Chachamaru’s new album. The songs he wrote were very pretty. Most likely will be picking up this up in a few weeks. Particularly like Kagero the most, which is no surprise since Gackt is singing that one ^///^ <-- Gackt Slut
Lookie! He’s from the Yui arc. Isn’t he preeetty ^^ And he’s a vampire too ^^ Mari wants to read~ Better put that down on my list to Marvin
*sigh* I really starting to become a big fan of Narumi Kakinouchi's works ^___^
Heh. Mari is very notorious for giving her friends bad nicknames. Right, Kel–Kel? *pokes*
And she just thought of a better one *deep breath*
*runs away* XD
I know I know. They decided to take the two prettiest dresses off for sale T_T Bastards!
Ooh pretty~ Looks kinda like sakura~ ^_^

What Is Your X Japan Ballad?
Pretty song~ Than again most X Japan ballads are ^_^

take the quiz at!!
Aiji-kins~ ^^
Aw~ Mom brought me a chocolate bunny. How sweet ^___^
EDIT: er... Oops ^///^
You know Lez, they're are times when I'm glad that I still have friends that don't speak Japanese and this is one of them
I forgot "lezu" could mean that. Sorry, please don't hurt me...
Lezzie-Lezu *amused as hell* ^____^
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 8:49 PM
Music: SHAZNA - Pureness
Yay for Random Survey
Taken from Lezzie Lez ^^ And by all means slap me for calling you that. I feel like giving someone a (stupid) nickname at the moment ^^;
Full Name – Mari
Nickname(s) – Mari-chan, Super Mari-chan
Birthdate – April 22
Birth Location – Honolulu~
Astrological Sign – Taurus
Chinese Year Sign – ox
Feng Shui Element – ?
Soul Element – ??
Personality Number – have none
Birth Colors – there’s such a thing?
Current Location – same boring place >_>
Current School – KHS
Current Grade – senior
Religion – 1/ 4 Buddhist
Languages Spoken – English, Japanese
Accent – very slight Japanese accent
Shoe Size – 5, 5 1/2
Height – 5'1
Hair color/length – black / middle length
Eye Color – brown
Blood Type – dunno but will find out someday
Pet(s) – Nicky~
Sibling(s) - 兄さん
Parents – currently? Mom
Hobbie(s) – er, music? >_>
Fear(s) – Dying without accomplishing my dreams
Best Friend – everyone’s my friend X3 *hugs*
Boyfriend/Girlfriend – I don’t date >_>
Plans On Career – Rock Star XD
Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay/Straight – don’t ask me right now. Ah~ Kuroneko-sama~ *swoon* *_*
Sport – don’t do sports. Like watchin’ volleyball though
Season – Autumn
Movie – right now it’s Sen to Chihiro~
Song – right now, Birdcage by Gackt
Band – Laruku, diru, Purituri, Kagrra, Kagerou, etc. etc.
Singer – Gackt, Miyabi, Shiina Ringo, etc. etc.
Lyric – “And I don’t want the world to see me, cause I don’t think that they’d understand”
Cartoon – hm, haven’t watched them for a while
Anime – TeniPuri, HikaGo, Wolf’s Rain, etc. etc.
Comic – the ones with Nightcrawler in them ^_^
Manga – SaiKano, Ange, Teni Puri, etc. etc.
Smell – ?
Noise – music?
Quote – にゃ
Perfume/Cologne – Happy by Clinique
Store – Pac Sun, Shirokiya
Vacation Spot – Japan
City – don't have one
State – don't have one
Country – Japan
Ice Cream Flavor – lots
Fruit – strawberry
Veggie – don’t like veggies XP
Meat – don’t really have one
Type of Food – Japanese
Food – mochi, roasted chestnuts, sweet potatoes
Drink – orange soda~
Candy – strawberry pocky X9
Class – no like school XP
Holiday – any no school holiday
Day of the Week – weekend
Month – none
Color – white
Name for Girl – will not have kids
Name for Boy – see above
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 10:50 PM
Music: Moi dix Mois - Dialogue Symphonie
What happened to Yuuji?
Looking around the net I find a Jrock BBS and a post concerning Baroque’s drummer Yuuji. Posted sometime during March and translated from Baroque’s homepage:
We honestly thank you for always supporting baroque. This notice is about the one in charge of drums, Yuuji.
The other day, Yuuji complained about sudden deterioration of his physical condition. From the diagnosis results it is unclear as to the cause of Yuuji's memory problems (the kanji literally says 'memory obstacle'). Presently, he's being hospitalized for treatment, but we don't know about his expected recovery. Consequently, due to his present condition, until accurate diagnosis results come out, we cannot make decisions on plans for now. Since there is little on the progress of his current condition, at any time the HP will give announcements. To everyone, this is a terrible trouble and please understand and accept our apologies.
Soon after reading this of course I went straight to their homepage
Yuuji is fine at the moment. Right now Baroque are pausing further plans in the band until he is well again.
This made my heart very heavy after reading this. I’m glad he’s better now and I hope he recovers soon
Kay, enough of this. Results, Results

Sai is the... er... ghost for you ^_^U
Which Hikaru no Go boy is your perfect match? (for girls)
brought to you by Quizilla
Sai~ ^__^ I need to catch up on my HikaGo soon

You are Akira the student! Duty is duty, school is
an important part of life, and the uniform goes
with it. Isn't it a cool uniform? It's also the
time of the Kaio Go club and many hardships for
Akira in his chase for Hikaru...
What Akira Touya style are you? ~ Hikaru no Go ~
brought to you by Quizilla
I'm waiting for you... ^^ *ROFL*
Mari wants this and this and especially this. She has a birthday coming up, doesn’t she? Presents, anyone? ^___^
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 5:46 PM
Music: Malice Mizer - N.p.s N.g.s
Sick Day 2
Doctor says I might have developed bronchitis. Yay~ *sigh* Well at least I'm much better now. Probably goin' back to school tomorrow
I keep tripping over myself today. I have lots of black n' blues now ;_;
*reads Sugi article* Ohhh, that makes sense. I thought that second kanji looked like a "ya" but I wasn't sure ^^;
Aww ^^ *pets* I'm sorry. As much as I think it's very cute that you're doing this, I'm afraid I can't fill your request at the moment. For you see the scanner that I use is at my friend's house. And that friend is in Saudi right now, who was suppose to come home last month! *kicks Todd* Meh, I was thinking of breaking into his house anyways...
Don't worry, when he comes back, I'll scan all the good ones for ya, if you still want it by then ^^;;
Oopsies again! *thwaps head w/ halisen* Correcting now! TeniPuri! Not PuriTuri! Stupid Mari! Baaad Mari! No more ice cream for you XD~
I'm pretty sure it's Onmyouza, at least that's what the furikana tells me ^^ And after reading a couple of articles I am certain that she is a girl. But I still like her ^^ She's pretty~ and her name amuses the hell out of me XD Kuroneko-sama~ にゃ~

I am a Dragon of Heaven, what are you?
Which Dragon are you?
Take other quizzes at Newsies Meets Anime...Anime Meets Newsies...
Meh, figures. I'm such a goodie goodie XP
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 4:16 PM
Music: Gackt - 君が追い掛けた夢
More Goodies from Japan
Went to Marvin came back yesterday afternoon and me and a bunch of my friends went over to his house that night to pick up the stuff we ordered from him (which I really shouldn't have been doing being the sick person I am ^^;) Didn't even get a chance to read any of my stuff when I got home since I was too tired and sick and literally crashed a few minutes later ><
Anyway, he was able to get me the latest issue of Fool’s Mate (May 2003) ^^
- Dir en grey's on the front cover! Let's see there's one, two (whoa, lots of Diru O_o), three, four, five, etc. etc., twelve pages of Diru XD Can't wait to read ^^
- Ooh! Gackt interview! Looks like it's about the movie that's he's in ^^
- Sugizo X some guy who I don't know since his name is in kanji >_>
- barogue w/out Yuuji that is. Kya~ K and Bansaku lookin' goood X9
- Mivabi's hair is blue now O_o
- live report of Sons Of All Pussys (Geez what a name O_o)
- Been awhile since I've seen a La'cryma Christi interview. Hiro and Levin look a little different this time. Also Mari wants Levin's shirt ^_^
- Kya~ L'arc-en-Ciel timeline! Indies to present, babee XD Woo~ Hyde with long hair, now those were the days XD
- Nightmare! Whoa, Yomi looks creepy there >_>
- Vogus Image! Hee, sho-ka has dreadlocks X3
- Did I ever mention how much Klaha looks very different w/out his Malice Mizer estique makeup on >_>
- Whee, Mana-sama! ...looking gothic punkish here O_o Um, excuse me. Stop trying to make him look like a guy. Mari would like her pretty Mana-sama back now ><
- Kagerou! *sigh* Preeetty Yuana ©
- Tatsurou from Mucc interview
Also have Gackt's new single Kimi ga Oikaketa Yume that came with a pretty bromide inside ©
Very pop. Not as catchy as his last one but has a nice tune to it. Feh, I'm such a Gackt slut ^///^
Now Birdcage I love. Nice and slow in the beginning and then half way through the song changes to a whole different key. A good review of the single can be found at Shiroi Heya.
And I got Prince of Tennis 10.5 which is very cute. The information book of the series.
The one question that I found very amusing:
Who would you cast if TeniPuri became a real life drama?
And the results were:
Kusanagi Tsuyoshi (SMAP) as Inui Sadaharu (uh... boy band member? >_>)
Matsuoka Masahiro (TOKIO) as Momoshiro Takeshi
Matsumoto Jun (Arashi) as Kaidou Kaoru (... >_>)
Imai Tsubasa (Johnny's Jr.) as Echizen Ryoma (ew...)
Domoto Tsuyoshi (kinki kids) as Kikumaru Eiji (meh, I suppose >_>)
Enari Kazuki as Oishi Shuichiro (ouch! Insulting ne, Oishi ><)
Gackt as Tezuka Kunimitsu (*muffles laugh* well, that would be interesting. Gackt, the angsty blond tennis genius with glasses XD)
EDIT: I hate phone solicitors...
Phone: Hi. Can I speak to *mumble jumble of words; unable to speak Japanese names*
Mari: Oh, I'm sorry. He's Dead.
Phone: ...
Nice to give them a bit of a scare >:D
EDIT EDIT: Uwa~ Almost forgot!
Happy Birthday Emiru-chan~ *glomp* X3
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 11:30 AM
Music: Psycho le Cemu - 激愛メリーゴーランド
Recently have been looking into this indies band Onmyouza. The Heian Period like clothing got me interested and I began looking around the web trying to find any pics or mp3s of them
Course, the androgynous member of the group caught my attention first. The vocalist name was in Kanji but it was simple enough to read. Kuroneko, isn't that cute ^^ Kuroneko-sama~
After a few hours on the net, I realize that Kuroneko really is a girl O_o
Well... at least she's a pretty girl ^^;;
Yura-sama is now a part of the Domoto Bros. band >< *sigh* I want Japan tv. Stupid cable, put Domoto Kyodai on the air! I wanna see~ I wanna see~ *hits cable tv*
Finished Ernst Rabu Rabu Ending. He gave me flowers, asked me to be with him forever, and I put a flower in his chest pocket and... that's it?! O_o That was so unfinished! Mari needs more scenes, dammit!! *kicks game*
Oopsies ^^; Gee I wasn't kidding when I said my brain wasn't working that day, was I *thwaps head s'more* Sorry for the misinformation ><
Is it me or did she just change her layout again?! Wow, that was fast O_o
Coughs got worse. Will be going to doctor's tomorrow
And it's fucking raining outside dammit >< Hate muggy days. Just makes my cold worse *sniff*
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 4:53 PM
Music: Pierrot - AGITATOR
Well, guess what
Mari DID in fact get sick, again
*cough* *cough*
Course that didn't mean she skipped school or anything. I mean, she HAD to go. With a grade that's ever so hanging on a thin string like hers, heck anybody would have went!
Besides, she didn't want her mother to worry so...
Anyway enough of the third person talk ^^
Despite the fact I was sick, I still decided to go see the premiere of Cowboy Bebop with my friends cause 1) I wanted to see it, 2) I got a little better as the day went on, and 3) I haven't gone to the movies since last year! T_T I hate being busy and poor at the same time
The movie was in dub so it had some bad parts. But overall it was very good. The music and the action scenes were very well done. Cowboy Bebop has always been one of my favorites and since I had already heard so many good reviews on the movie, I wasn't expected to be disappointed. And I got to see lots of cute Ein scenes as well © Ah, I love that mutt ^^
Downloaded Gackt's December Love or also known as his try on making 12 gatsu no Love Song into English ^^; Well it's pretty good nevertheless. At least you can hear and understand what he's singing about. Although he did make some mistakes with the grammar here and there ^^; The song itself is much mellower than the original. Took out the little kids "la la" singing (which I thought was very cute and was a bit sad finding out) But it was still nice
Japanese font on my blog is kinda sorta working now ^^; Sankyu, ne *hug*
Wa~ another Kazuki layout! Or should I say Kadsuki? O_o Either way is the same really, since Japanese do tend to say out the "tsu" to "zu" most of the time, even write it out that way in romanji ^^; Yes, we are very weird in a way
Well then, off to the sick bed
*cough* X_X
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 8:14 PM
Music: none
テスト, テスト, にゃ~
If my blog can show Japanese on the school computer, why can't mine? I know I have the programs that allows me to see them
I try again later when I come back

You are MIYU from "Vampire Princess
ANIME QUIZ - Which Anime Vampire Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Heeey, Miyu's cool! These results are so negative >_>
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 11:12 AM
Music: Gackt - 忘れないから
Let's try this again...
After giving myself some fuel and rest for my brain, I should be able to finish what I started and write this review
Moi Dix Mois - Finally got around hearing a song from Mana's new band. Very gothic rock, very nice, although I'm still more of a Malice Mizer fan. The new vocalist Juka can also sing pretty well but he can never replaced Klaha or Gackt (heck no one can replace Gackt ^^) And Mana's looking kinda manly there in those single/album pictures. Hoping to see more of pretty Mana-sama in the future
Mucc - I admit, I like this band's personality more than music. Not that I don't like they're songs, mind you. Just that they all are very amusing when they're not performing on camera:
Tatsurou: Oh Yeah! We're Mucc, HA~UH!! (XD)
It's their unusual style thats makes them so popular ^^
Mucc and Psycho le Cemu also did a photo shoot together a few years back. Hilarious stuff happens on and off the set, including Karaoke, Yura-sama lying in Satochi's lap, and Yukke molesting and grabbing Aya's tits XD
Nightmare - Very playful and always seem to interact with the fans. Most of their songs seem to be pretty dark but lately started to make more catchy tunes with them. An indies band worth keeping an eye out for.
Rice - ex Raphael's Yuki is in a brand new band ^^ Nice to have him back, I always loved hearing his voice ^^ Hopefully he will be just as successful as before
Vogus Image - A band that came out a few years ago, I believe. All of them seem very young, but talented. Their first single apparently had a dark gothic feel to it but lately their songs have brightened up a bit. It will be very interesting watching them progress in the future
Finished Sei-Lan. Gawd, that boy uses too much kanji in his speech >< It was very hard at times to understand what he was saying
But it was worth it. His ending was very sweet and very cute ^__^ He drew a portrait of the main character with wings/feathers ^_^
New Layout. Never seen a Ryo layout before. A first ^_^
I kinda like Baroque. They're all interesting. Especially Bansaku and K ^_^ They're going major soon aren't they. I wish them success

You are Rin Kobayashi from "Please Save My Earth"!
You are CUTESY-POO evil.
ANIME QUIZ - Which Evil Anime Badass Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Whee~ Shota psychotic boys are fuuun ^__^
*coughs* My chest has been hurting lately. I hope I'm not getting sick *clears throat*
EDIT: Hoo yah! When brain blinks out, things are temporarily forgetted ^^;;;
Ex-Raphael's Hiro is also in rice on drums
And Baroque have already got major
Thanks for the reminder Codi ^^;
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 10:37 PM
Music: Gackt - Vanilla
*writing entry*
*sudden pause*
*eye twitch x2*
*thwaps head repeatedly*
I think I need a break...
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 7:40 PM
Music: Lareine - Billet¡«ÓפÏĤαã¹{¡«
New Month = New Layout
Lookie Lookie, I own a layout that promotes cigarette smoking! XD
I'm such a bad influence, yes I am.
Now if I can only fix the Japanese lettering on this thing...
Found Lareine mp3s yesterday. Constandly listening to Billet. Such a beautiful song.
But unfortuanetly my discman decides to break on me during school ><
Ooh! Astarise-chan got a new Saiyuki layout as well. A pretty gun-toting Sanzo-sama ^___^
It's my mommy's birthday today. Celebrating time ^_^
EDIT: I have no idea why I can't use characters on my page. It worked fine with the others... >_>
And by any chance, does anyone know how to strikethrough font on html?
Mari smoked put out a smoke @ 1:15 PM