Open Up Your Mind...
Tuesday, December 31, 2002
Music: SHAZNA - Melty Love
So cute, my eyes are twitching...
Just downloaded a whole bunch of SHAZNA Pvs. I always keep forgeting how insanely cute Izam is. Espicially after seeing "Piece of Love". He's just so... bouncy in that one... ^^;
Well, looks like this will be my last blog post for the year. Being New Years Eve, the streets and skies will be filled with smoke and fireworks. An unfortunate problem for someone like me who does not like a whole lot of loud noise... *gets ear plugs ready*
Which reminds me, I have to take my dog out later and drug him up before me and my family go to my aunt's annual New Year Eve party. Poor thing is so frightened of them. I don't blame him >_<
And here's my last test result(s) for this year ^_^
 Which JROCK male should suit YOU? brought to you by Quizilla
And let's try that again! ^_^
 Which JROCK male should suit YOU? brought to you by Quizilla
Both good, of course ^_^
Well Codi, Cori, mifyuu, sf, goldfish, みんな...
See ya next year~! ^_^
Aya has left the building @ 1:13 PM.
Friday, December 27, 2002
Music: La'cryma Christi - 未来航路
It's a few days old, but...
Taken from Codi ^_^
01. Your name spelled backwards?
Iram ^^;
02. Where were your parents born?
03. What was the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
Not sure
04. What's your favorite restaurant?
Anywhere nice
05. Last time you swam in a pool?
I think it was sometime in August…
06. Have you ever been in a school play?
Three times, including this year’s *beams*
07. How many kids do you want?
None >_>
08. Type of music you dislike most?
country and rap
09. Are you registered to vote?
10. Do you have cable?
11. Have you ever ridden on a moped?
Yup, it was fun too ^_^
12. Ever prank call anybody?
Nope ^^;
13. Ever get a parking ticket?
can’t drive…yet ^_^
14. Would you go bungee jumping or skydiving?
Hmm, depends if I feel like it or not
15. Furthest place you ever travelled?
Florida. But that was when I was only two years old ^^;
16. Do you have a garden?
Well, there’s grass and stuff outside our house. Does that count? ^^;
17. What's your favourite comic strip?
Mutts; All time: Peanuts and Garfield
18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem?
I think so
19. Bath or shower, morning or night?
shower, night
20. Best movie you've seen in the past month?
千 と 千尋 の 神隠し
21. Favourite pizza topping?
22. Chips or popcorn?
depends what I feel like eating
23. What colour lipstick do you usually wear?
…はい? ^_^
24. Have you ever smoked peanut shells?
25. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?
Hell no
26. Orange juice or apple?
どっち でも いい ^_^
27. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine?
Mom – some ramen place
28. Favourite type of chocolate bar?
Don’t like chocolate
29. When was the last time you voted at the polls?
30. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
31. Have you ever won a trophy?
32. Are you good cook?
Sometimes I am ^^
33. Do you know how to pump your own gas?
I know how to pump other people’s gas ^^;
34. Ever order an article from an infomercial?
35. Sprite or 7-up?
36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work?
37. Last thing you bought at a pharmacy?
38. Ever throw up in public?
Once when I was little ><
39. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love?
どっち でも いい ^_^
40. Do you believe in love at first sight?
…はい? ^_^
41. Ever call a 1-900 number?
42. Can ex's be friends?
43. Who was the last person you visited in a hospital?
44. Did you have a lot of hair when you were a baby?
45. What message is on your answering machine?
46. What's your all-time favorite Saturday Night Live character?
47. What was the name of your first pet?
48. What is in your purse?
49. Favourite thing to do before bedtime?
Listening to Jrock til I fall asleep ^^
50. What is one thing you are grateful for today?
No school., definetly. Needed this winter break badly or else I would’ve went nuts from all the stress >_<
Aya has left the building @ 4:01 PM.
Wednesday, December 25, 2002
Music: Gackt - 12月のLove song
はいはい, メリー クリスマス
Let's see, I got new shirts, candy galore, lots and lots of monetary gifts ^___^ , and what else... Oh! I got a new blankie as well *snuggles* since the old one was ripping. Mom liked the まねきねこ Pooh I gave her. 兄さん liked the stupid BoA calendar I gave him. Not bad, not bad.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and to remind people to take care of themselves on this holiday. From what I hear, there seems to be a lot of deaths on Christmas. Whether from accidents or suicides I'm not too sure.
I think I'll go now and purchase a whole shitload of stuff on eBay ^____^
Aya has left the building @ 6:47 PM.
Tuesday, December 24, 2002
Music: the brilliant green - I'm so sorry baby
Weib Results

Which Yohji Are You? @ Weiß Versa
Wa~, cute Yo-tan ^_^
 I was Yoji in my previous life in Weiß Kreuz Tested by Umi
How is it that I always get Yohji on these things when I'm nothing like him?
 Your Weiss Kreuz Yaoi Pairing Is... brought to you by Quizilla
NagixOmi: What can anyone say, but 'AWWWWWW!'? NagixOmi is total fluff.. sometimes a bit shotakon, but, hey! Atleast they're about the same age... And they were recently voted the #1 most possible couple in all of Kreuz-dom, so feel free to give yourself a pat on the back for sanity!
How fitting that I would get this result, being that it is my favorite (and farfetched ^^;) pairing in the series. And so what if it's shotacon? Nothing wrong with two young boys going after each other, right? ^^;
Aya has left the building @ 6:42 PM.
Tuesday, December 24, 2002
Music: the brilliant green - Maybe We Could Go Back To Then
The pain...
Ow! My teeth!
Ow! My head!
OW!! My teeth and my head!! ><
*whimper* I think I need another aspirin...
Aya has left the building @ 4:36 PM.
Monday, December 23, 2002
Music: Yaida Hitomi - nothing
Japan Street Fashion
Found this neat little site while I was looking around. Interesting stuff; check it out. But I can't believe there is such a thing as this *points to middle section of page. *shudders* Veeery disturbing, yesh. >< Doubt anyone will be seeing this item in Sanrio stores.
Click on the "Harujuku, Tokyo" here and name all the Jrock cosplay you see ^_^
Aya has left the building @ 10:11 PM.
Monday, December 23, 2002
Pierrot - Agitator
I think my charisma went down by a few points...
Well, looks like I'm gonna be wearing a nice little "necklace" around my teeth for about two years.
Yup, Mari actually got braces today, whether she liked them or not. As long as I get rid of the protrusion I have now it'll be all worth it. It's clear on the top so at least its not too noticeable. Although I regret not getting them when I was younger but my mother at the time thought I couldn't handle them.
Mom and 兄さん said that it was gonna hurt after I get them but I'm not having too much trouble now. Only problems I'm having are eating certain food (expecially hard and chewy stuff) and talking with these stupid things >_<
Which random GW object are you?
quiz by Ponderosa
and Psyche
My, this one sounds very yaoi-ish, Then again there always seems to be a lot of yaoi in this series ^_^
EDIT: And since the orthodontost's place just happen to be close to Hot Topic I decided to treat myself and get that seltbelt belt I've been wanting with my early Christmas money ^___^ Such a happy Mari, at least for now...
Aya has left the building @ 8:09 PM.
Sunday, December 22, 2002
Music: the brilliant green - Forever to me ~owaranaki kanashimi~
Marvin came back from Japan
And Mari brought the following from him:
- Shounen Zanzou ~Boy's Next Door~ - beautiful Yaoi comic by Yuki Kaori ^_^
- Kaine ~die to live no endorphine~ - beautiful Jrock comic again by Yuki Kaori ^_^
- Yami no Matsuei #5 - Fairy Tale arc / Tasumi X Tsuzuki goodness ^__^
- Fruits Basket Character Book - Ms. Pam brought this from Marvin for me as a Christmas present ^___^ Shankyu~!
I believe Marvin said that he will be going back sometime in January. I must plan my wishlist soon.
Uwa~ really pretty layouts. I want Sanzo and Akira layouts too... *tries to plan for next layout*
Happy Be-lated Birthday to Die! Dir en grey destroyz me! XD
Your ideal boyfriend is Shinya Which Dir en Grey member would be your ideal boyfriend? brought to you by Quizilla
Shinya may be a challenge, but he's worth it!
Wow. For a minute there I thought I was gonna get Toshiya. But Shinya's just as good ^_^ Still... *takes test again*
Your ideal boyfriend is Toshiya Which Dir en Grey member would be your ideal boyfriend? brought to you by Quizilla
Toshiya's a sexual person, but you like that don't you?
There we go! Now I got both of them! ^_^ One of these days I really need to decide between the two.
You are Toshiya using Shinya as an arm rest What random Dir en Grey thing or happening are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Geez! That's not nice at all!
Yay! I got both again! Hee hee, Totchi's so silly ^_^
EDIT: Uwa~ these images are really big. They barely fit in my blog. Aw well...
Aya has left the building @ 9:50 AM.
Wednesday, December 18, 2002
Shiina Ringo - Gibbs
Just two more days...
Two more days and I'll be outta that hell hole for two weeks and a half.
Obviously I'm not enjoying school at the moment... >_<
In other news, I made dinner today! ^_^ The menu: yakisoba! おいしかったよん ^__^
 Best Inuyasha Partner Test by Umi
You've got Sesshoumaru!
You are impossibly naive, rash and will not let anything get in your way. The exact opposite of him(except for the last one). Hey, don't worry, he won't have the heart to hurt you! Will you, Sess-chan? ^_~
Fav character from this series. Fell for him during the Rin arc. もう~ 殺生丸さま かわいい~! ^__^
Aya has left the building @ 7:08 PM.
Tuesday, December 17, 2002
Dir en grey - Myaku
In another play
School's doing the musical "Once on this Island" and I'm one of the storytellers! ^_^ And it's already been a month since Pied Piper ended ^^; But hey, I had to audition for a grade so if I got in why not do it right? ^^; Besides rehersals start in a month. I still have time to get my grades up...
 What J Rock Personality Do You Have? brought to you by Quizilla
Strange part is that I'm not very feminine at all. Cute maybe. Although I do like these type of Jrockers... ^^;
Aya has left the building @ 8:57 PM.
Sunday, December 15, 2002
Music: Dir en grey - Cage
a little social blogging...
Good for you! Take some pics, kay? Mari wants to see Codi's Kirito plushie! ^_^
Really now? Well, that's nice to hear. Hope the same goes for Hikaru no Go as well...
And another happy be-lated birthday to Torumi-chan. One day late this time, not bad not bad... ^^;
Aya has left the building @ 11:15 PM.
Sunday, December 15, 2002
hide - Pink Spider
Finished my paper
Finally! *stretches* I hate writing essays and thesis and stuff. Irritating as hell I tell you...
And and, how do ya guys like my new layout? ^_^ Isn't it pretty? Found it off that site *points to right* Hopefully it works... *sigh* Why can't I make pretty layouts too... T_T
Yesterday I went to a Christmas party, did a little gift exchange, almost came home with 15 dollars in my pocket but instead got a nice little special edition Vampire Princess Yui manga with a pretty Yui figurine. Now I have to buy the Miyu special edition to go with it. It's nice but I think I'd rather have the money T_T I was planning to buy that spiffy seatbelt belt I saw at Hot Topic with that! *sniff*
Oh and I have a whole bunch of Gackt results so suffer!! Bwahaha... ^___^
 Which of Gackt's personalities are you? brought to you by Quizilla
You are I LOVE MYSELF Gackt. You'd rather sit in a field and pick flower petals apart... "I love me..." "I love me a lot..." "I love me..." YOU LOVE YOU!
 What Gackt Item are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Which Gackt Job Member Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
You are MASA! You are so sexy! Everyone wants to hump you...that includes men and women, hope you're into it.
XD XD!! Masa! My favorite GacktJob member! XD!
Aya has left the building @ 10:04 PM.