Open Up Your Mind...
Thrusday, January 16, 2003
Music: Bob - Girls, be ambitious
Four Day Weekend!
End of semester. No school tomorrow. And since Monday's a holiday, I have four days off from school! XD Now I have more time to relax... and more time to work on my stupid Elizabethan poem and Macbeth Paper ><
I hate my English class. I really do. The teacher is cool but it's the class I hate.
 Which Kingdom Hearts Character are You Most Like? brought to you by Quizilla
...well, I am...naive... ^^;;
Happy Be-lated 18th! Gah~, I'm so bad at remembering peoples' birthdays >_<
Wah~, more sprites! ^_^ *smooshies* I like my guys with short shorts but I reeeally love Aya in his short skirt! XD Cori , I luv you. I really do XD
I love this layout. It's so... cute looking. Hee hee, Mihara brothers slash ^_^
I thank thy soul for sacrificng thy art book for other poor souls. ^^; Sorry, stupid Shakespearian language in my head. But really, Salty Dog is really nice. Thank you so much. Love the Aya layout as well ^_^
And as this moment, I am forever loving this comic. It's so freaken' cuuute!! ^_____^
Mari has left the building with Aya @ 10:54 PM
Wednesday, January 15, 2003
Music: Pierrot - ハルカ...
And another...
X.First Grade Teacher: Mrs. Oshiro
X.Last word you said: Probably にゃ ^^
X.Last song you sang: I sing all the time ^^
X.Last person you hugged: My doggie~ *hug*
X.Last thing you laughed at: My friends at rehersal ^^
X.Last time you said 'I love you': A long long time ago… >_>
X.Last time you cried: Can’t remember
X.What's in your CD player: Burned Jrock cd
X.What color socks are you wearing: None
X.What's under your bed: Crap, crap, and more crap >_>
X.What time did you wake up today: 5 o’clock in the fuckin’ morning >_<
X.Current taste: Saliva
X.Current hair: Short shag
X.Current clothes: Shirt and shorts
X.Current annoyance: School ><
X.Current longing: To become a better singer
X.Current desktop picture: Goku with a cute little pair of devil wings! XD
X.Current worry: School ><
X.Current hate: School ><
X.Story behind your LJ username: Don’t have one
X.Current favourite article of clothing: My new shirt I bought at PacSun
X.Favourite physical feature of the opposite sex/same sex: Face
X.Last CD that you bought: Can’t remember
X.Favourite place to be: Bed ^^
X.Least favourite place: School ><
X.Time you wake up in the morning: Whenever I'm fuckin’ ready ><
X.If you could play an instrument, what would it be: A whole lot of stuff. Piano, guitar, violin…
X.Favorite color: White
X.Do you believe in an afterlife: I believe in reincarnation
X.How tall are you: Short ><
X.Current favourite word/saying: にゃ ^^
X.Favorite book: Don’t have one
X.Favorite season: Anything but summer
X.One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: No one at the moment…
X.Favorite day: No school days ^_^
X.Where do you want to go: Japan
X.What is your career going to be like: Singing or voice acting in Japan~ ^_^
X.How many kids do you want: Kids are eeevil XP
X.What kind of car will you have: Probably a cute little BMW ^_^
X.Type a line you remember from any book: "はら へった~" -Goku XD
X.A random lyric: "君 に~ 会える~ ま~で" XD
X.Identify some things surrounding your computer: Um, books, paper, cds, cd cases, nail clipper, old play program. Yep, the usual...
Mari has left the building with Aya @ 6:54 PM
Tuesday, January 14, 2003
Music: Plastic Tree - 散リユク僕ラ
A survey to fill in the space
just the basics...
* ` -full name -; Mari
*` - date of birth -; April 22
* ` - age -; 17
* ` - sex -; Female
* ` - height -; Short -_-;
* ` - location -; Honolulu~
* ` - hair color -; Black
* ` - eye color -; Brown
* ` - sexual preference -; Boys, most likely. Unless you happen to look like a certain 15 year old German prodigy… ^^;
now onto the questions...
* ` - what do you think of cheerleading -; For the teenyboppers
* ` - favorite Disney character -; Stitch! XD
* ` - what brand of deordorant do you use -; Don’t use. For some strange reason, my body odor isn’t unpleasant. One of the many weird traits my family has… ^^;
* ` - do you know anyone who you think is homosexual, but say they aren't -; Well, there are a couple of guys I know who probably are…
* ` - do you know anyone who is homosexual -; They’re all over my school ^^;
* ` - do you know anyone who is bisexual -; Nope
* ` - do you know anyone named Leroy -; No
* ` - do you like pickles -; Nope XP
* ` - do you have a website -; Blog counts, yes? ^_^
* ` - do you watch porn -; Porn is so unrealistic XP
* ` - are you black -; Nope
* ` - are you an ocean lover -; Not really…
* ` - who are you gonna vote for -; Don’t vote yet
* ` - do you have your own phone line -; Nope
* ` - your thoughts on abortion -; It’s the person’s choice
* ` - do you like britney spears -; No
* ` - do you want a britney doll -; Hell no
* ` - what do you want for christmas -; Lots and lots of お金 ^_^
* ` - do you have your 2 front teeth -; Yup
* ` - what do you want to do with your life -; I wanna become a rock star XD
* ` - ever been butt naked bangin on the bathroom floor -; Uh, no O.O
* ` - would you ever get plastic surgery, if so, on what -; Not really…
* ` - biggest redneck you know -; Matt! XD J/K
* ` - last time you went to a skating rink -; Can't remember
* ` - last time you went to a bowling alley -; Can’t remember that either ^^;
* ` - what perfume / cologne do you wear -; Happy by Clinique
* ` - do you think foreign accents are sexy -; Yea ^_^
* ` - do you like jell-o -; For some strange reason, Jell-o makes me think of sex. That and whip cream…
* ` - do you like hot dogs -; It’s alright
* ` - brand of toothpaste -; I dunno
* ` - last time you went to the doctor -; Can't remember
* ` - do you think ricky martin is gay -; Probably
* ` - do you think tractors are sexy -; …にゃ?
* ` - do you have a credit card -; Don’t have a credit card… yet ^_^
* ` - do you love your mom -; は~い! ^_^
* ` - do you love your mom as much as Normal Bates did in PSYCHO -; Was that the one with the guy who kept killing people because his dead mom told him to in his head? In that case, no
* ` - ever taken ballet -; Kinda wanted to
* ` - favorite juice -; Passion orange~
* ` - last time you used the restroom -; A few hours ago
* ` - do you have any diseases -; No
* ` - last book you read -; Can’t remember
* ` - white, dark or milk chocolate -; None. Me no like chocolate XP
* ` - ever dyed your hair -; I’m thinking of dying it blonde this year ^_^
* ` - what brand of shampoo and conditioner do you use -; Um, I think it’s Pert Plus…
* ` - favorite holiday -; Any holiday that gives me a break off school >_<
* ` - do you still play with barbies -; Nope
* ` - last thing you rode in or on -; Mommy’s car
* ` - are men really from mars -; Who knows
* ` - do you have chores -; Yup
* ` - last time you smoked pot -; Never
* ` - are you depressed -; Not really
* ` - what do you wear to the beach -; Don’t like the beach. Pretty ironic, living in Hawaii and all ^^;
* ` - do you believe in angels -; Never really thought about it
* ` - would you ever join the army -; Probably not. I’m terrible when it comes to surviving in the outdoors ^^;
* ` - do you want a puppy -; I already have one ^_^
* ` - ever had a kick me sign on you -; Not that I can’t remember
* ` - how about a lick me sign -; …doubt it
* ` - favorite icing -; Anything tasty ^_^
* ` - are you a flirt -; Not really
* ` - last time you were scared -; Can’t remember
* ` - last party you went to -; Aunty’s New Year Eve party
* ` - do you do your own laundry -; Sometimes
* ` - what detergent do you use -; Whatever mommy buys ^^;
* ` - what fabric softner do you use -; Whatever mommy has ^^;;
* ` - are your nails real or fake -; Real
* ` - do you get jiggy with it -; Uh, no
* ` - do you live in the wild wild west -; No
* ` - what do you wish your name was -; I like my name…
* ` - are your parents divorced –; No
* ` - would you ever wear a waterbra -; A what?
* ` - do you take lots of pictures -; Not really
* ` - favorite tv show -; Anything funny
* ` - do you want a baby -; Kids are only tolerable when they’re not your own ><
* ` - ever thought you were pregnant -; Never. I do a little something called abstinence
* ` - last time you were sick -; Dunno
* ` - butter or margarine -; Butter! XD
* ` - your feelings on mcdonald chicken nuggets-; Tasty! XD
* ` - favorite movies -; Lots ^^
* ` - do you believe in santa claus -; I did at one point…
* ` - do you go to a tanning salon -; Nope
* ` - do you have a car -; I can’t drive ^^;
* ` - do you have your license -; I can’t drive ^^;
* ` - how do you get around -; By people who can drive, of course ^_^
* ` - favorite rugrats character -; Don’t like Rugrats ><
* ` - got milk -; Uh, actually no ^^;
* ` - do you sniff markers -; Nope
* ` - are you dissatisfied with your hair color-; Sometimes
* ` - what kind of jewelry do you wear -; Small silver hoop earrings
* ` - have you ever modeled -; Nope
* ` - do you shop from catalogs -; Sometimes
* ` - what do you like the preferred sex (or sexes) to wear -; If they’re young and hot, short shorts! XD
* ` - do you have a cell -; Yea
* ` - what do you think of eminem -; He's alright
* ` - favorite kind of gum -; Bubble gum from Japan ^^
* ` - would you ever get a tattoo -; I kinda want a cute small pair of wings on my back ^_^
* ` - do you think lil bow wow is cute -; Who’s that? >_>
* ` - have you seen charlie's angels, the movie -; Nope
* ` - what magazines are you subscribed to -; I wanna be subscribed to loads of Jrock magazines XD
* ` - do you believe your horoscope -; Sometimes
* ` - what's your sign -; Taurus
* ` - do you like coffee -; Nope XP
* ` - pen or pencil -; どっち でも いい ^_^
* ` - are you ghetto -; No
* ` - favorite lip gloss -; Does chapstick count? ^^;
* ` - do you wear a watch -; Nope
* ` - sunglasses -; Sun hurts my eyes ><
* ` - ever use nair -; ? What’s that? >_>
* ` - ever been to the mall of america -; Kinda want to ^^
* ` - do you want a leather jacket -; Not really
* ` - ever ridden a motorcycle -; No, but I kinda wanna get one ^_^
* ` - do you think justin timberlake and britney spears had sex -; Who cares? >_>
* ` - do you read the chicken soup books -; Read a few
* ` - have you seen the exorcist -; Seen parts of it
* ` - are you online a lot -; Yup ^^v
* ` - do you have an old navy performance fleece -; …にゃ?
* ` - are you getting tired of doing this -; A little…
* ` - do you buckle up -; Most of the time
* ` - do you have any siblings -; an older brother
* ` - what are their names -; 兄さん~ ^_^
* ` - what are their ages -; Uh, I forget >_>
* ` - do they wanna fill out our survey -; If I’m bored…
* ` - what color are your panties -; Ain’t tellin’ XP
* ` - okay, we're done are you happy -; Yay~! Finally! ^_^
Mari has left the building with Aya @ 6:51 PM
Monday, January 13, 2003
Music: Plastic Tree - プラネタリウム
Another shitload of results
 Yami no Matsuei: Which Tsuzuki x ? Pairing Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Wa~i! Tatsumi X Tsuzuki is so cuuute! XD My favorite YnM pairing!
 What JRock hairstyle are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Hey, that's kinda like my hair ^_^
 How much do you hate Gackt? brought to you by Quizilla
...eheh ©
Marvin went back to Japan for work. Bai bai Marvin. Make sure you come back with all the goodies I asked for, kay? ^_^
Mari has left the building with Aya @ 8:53 PM
Sunday, January 12, 2003
Music: Psycho le Cemu - 愛の唄
Just woke up...
*yawn* wow. I must of fell asleep around 6 after I came home from rehersal. I didn't even get to eat dinner... o_o And in a few more hours I have to be at the Japanese Cultural Center singing my new song for the new year. Hope my voice is still up to it *clears throat* Oh and I still have that stupid Macbeth thing to write afterwards... *sigh* I'm so busy now... T_T
Oh my goodness. What have I started? XD You've seen Sweet Trance? Don't ya love it how Yura-sama pulls out a mirror and starts powdering himself after the live? XD God how I love that boy. Him and Aya. And Aya's little school uniform. Don't know how many times I've kept replaying that one part of Megatron live where Yura-sama and Aya-chan parapara on the screen, wondering if I look closely I could see something underneath Aya-chan's skirt while he's turning around ^^; I know that's wrong of me but I couldn't help it.
Hi! ^_____^ And the word "ecchiban" would probably translate loosely around the terms of "the perverted one". If ya wanna be the number one ecchi, "Ecchi Ichiban" ^__^ Kinda like that famous Curry house they have in Japan, Curry Ichiban ^^
Mari has left the building with Aya @ 5:26 AM
Wednesday, January 8, 2003
Music: Bob - Girls, be ambitious
Who the heck is Koji anyway?
 What Incarnation of Koji are you today? brought to you by Quizilla
Innocent Clueless Koji I feel all calm and pretty content =D. Whats that mister? You have candy in your car for ME? COOL! *gets in the car* Now this is a nice Koji to be, because other than being abducted by perverts you're generally all spacey and smiley like a little kid. Gotta love those meds =D
LOL! Yep, that's me most of the time ^_^;;
Mari has left the building with Aya @ 8:25 PM
Wednesday, January 8, 2003
Music: Psycho le Cemu - 聖~excalibur~剣
キャ~! かわいい~!
*smoosh* I love them! Aya-chan and Yura-sama look so cuuute! Sankyu ne~, Cori-chaaan! ^_^
And hey if ask me you need help finding stuff. I already found two pretty good Psycho sites ever since I got those PVs ^^;; I amaze myself by how good I can search for stuff on the web when it's someting I want and not school related...
Mari has left the building with Aya @ 7:26 PM
Tuesday, January 7, 2003
Music: Bob - Girls, be ambitious
...heh heh
Apparently there was a rehersal yesterday and I missed it ^^;
But I didn't forget to go today since my drama teacher did remind me ^^;;;
So looks like I'll be staying after school til 5:30 for some time now. It was really nice to see everyone from the old cast plays again ^_^ Waa~ I hope Vernen and Ms. Nani will go easy on me ><

I'm Angelic Cute!! made by Jen
Sweet and beautiful!
You have troubles with only thinking about others' needs,
and not your own.
You're usually in a cheerful mood,
but you have your fair share of bad days
Ew, it's that nasal sounding Jpop idol. But lookie I'm supposedly an angel ^_^
Mari has left the building with Aya @ 8:56 PM
Monday, January 6, 2003
Music: Kagrra - 夢イズル地
Back to school again... *sigh*
Unfortuanetly all good things must come to an end and thus I'm back to my regular schedule, going to school and falling asleep in class -_-; *sigh* I really can't wait til the play rehersals start...
Got my Vampire Miyu figure today. Now I got the complete set. They're so preeetty together ^___^
Eheh, I think I went a little too overboard though, ne ^^; I would usually ignore idiots like those but they just kept pestering and pestering...
Uwaaah!! You have Psycho sprites?! I want! I want! おねがい... ね? ^^
 Which part of the Visual Kei Academy do you belong in? brought to you by Quizilla
The Drama Club! Oh, angst and agony, you make every scene a dramatic one. But your pick-up lines are the best, and you sure can sweep the other students off their feet.
Well...I have been in a few school plays...but that doesn't make me dramatic, does it?
 Which Dir en Grey member would make your best pet sidekick? brought to you by Quizilla
Wha? Totchi's smart! Well, at least smarter than Die (or so he says... ^^;)
Mari has left the building with Aya @ 9:06 PM
Saturday, January 4, 2003
Music: Due'le quartz - ロデオ
Test Results
 Which Slayers Character are You like? Takes other quizzes at Newsies Meets Anime...Anime Meets Newsies...
Xellos, huh. Figures...
 Which Trigun Character are You like? Takes other quizzes at Newsies Meets Anime...Anime Meets Newsies...
This was expected as well...
 Which Cowboy Bebop Character are You like? Takes other quizzes at Newsies Meets Anime...Anime Meets Newsies...
Okay, this one was not expected. You'd think someone like me would get Ed, Spike in second maybe...
Mari has left the building with Aya @ 3:11 PM
Friday, January 3, 2003
Music: 蜉蝣 - ゆびきり
One small request
If anyone has a really nice 800 x 600 Miyabi wallpaper, please send one to me or tell me where you got it from. For some strange reason I'm having a hard time finding on. Maybe I'm being too particular...
Mari has left the building with Aya @ 11:18 PM
Thrusday, January 2, 2003
Music: 雅 (Miyavi) - Girls, be amibitious
My First Blog Post of the New Year!
My, how time flies, ne ^_^
I would’ve posted yesterday but I was so busy helping my mother cook stuff for the little family get together thingie we had. That and the Red White Songfest that was on tv ^^;
This year Gackt performed 12月 の Love song which was kinda interesting being that the Christmas season is practically over ^^; And his hair looks really fuzzy looking now. But he was still hot! Yay for me for I can still watch some Japanese tv programs from where I live! ^^v
Muaha! I also found more Jrock for my listening pleasure ^_^ Most of them being Indies though, but good nevertheless. During the past week of insane downloading, I have started to like the following bands/artists:
Kagerou – their vocalist kinda reminds me of Kyo in a way but their guitarist Yuana is preeetty ^^ Kinda reminds me of an Emiru mixed in with a little of Shinya
Due’le quartz – it’s a bit late for me to start liking them since they already disbanded but Rodeo is a very good song. That and Miyabi, being his sexy bitch self, also helped me decide ^^;
雅 (Miyavi) – I am very obsessed with “Girls, be ambitious”. Maybe because its Miyabi, I don’t know. It has a very nice beat but because Miyabi mumbles most of the lyrics, I can’t really understand what he’s saying ^^; Although I did catch that little “Girls, be ambitious” at the end
Psycho le Cemu – this band makes the most cutest and amusing PVs ^_^ Prism, Excalibur, and Ai no Uta are worth watching. So far I'm starting to like Aya and Yura-sama the most out of the five
La'cryma Christi - Mirai Koro and Jounetsu no Kaze are also in my head as well ^^;
もう~ Thanks to these two, their Pierrot is getting a bit raunchy… -///-;
Hm, I think I’ll go grab some lunch now…
Mari has left the building with Aya @ 3:17 PM