Monday, March 31, 2003
Music: Dir en grey – ain’t afraid to die


...heh *points above* Winamp’s playin’ my layout’s song ^_^

Wah~ less than 8 weeks away from graduating. I don’t know if I can take it until then~ >< Hold me~ *hugs graduating seniors*

Finished Olivie Rabu Rabu Ending. He made me a pretty little dress and accessories to go with it. His own design, he says… >_>

Also got around watching an episode of the new Weiss series. Aya has a braid now ^^; Doesn’t seem right on him. Everyone else’s new look was alright, even Yohji’s despite to what some of my friends were saying. He at least looks more like his seiyuu now ^^
Yamuguchi Kappei’s character is cute but not as cute as Omittchi was ^_^ *squeezes Omi*
And what about that student council freshmen dude. He’s a Nagi clone! >< Speaking of which, where is my Nagikins? New series, more slashing with Omi! XD

*spazz* I like your idea! Field trip! Gather all the PoT fangirls! We're going to Japan to see the musical! XD
Hee. The boy playing Ryoma’s the same age as me ^^

*blankly stares at screen* Hello~ bra~in Wake up so that I can at least finish typing this entry *bonks head* ><

New pretty Shinya layout! Wah~ Pretty~ *_*
As for me, I planning to put up my new layout beginning of April, which is... tomorrow ^^;

mm~ I have a whole bunch of Pierrot pvs that just finished downloading. Maybe I’ll go watch those >_>

EDIT: It's a bit late but...
Happy Birthday Toshiya ^^
Also a happy be-lated to

Stupid memory... ><

Mari last said goodbye @ 7:57 PM.

Saturday, March 29, 2003
Music: none

...the hell?

I just look at this and stare...

What the hell has this world become for something like this would happen?

Mari last said goodbye @ 10:00 PM.

Saturday, March 29, 2003
Music: 蜉蝣 - アイドル狂いの心裏学

Confused Thoughts but first...

*begin fangirl moment*

Mari so happy~ Mari just found mp3 of AIDORU gurui no shinrigaku~ (songu abovu) which she has been looking for since she saw the pv of it X3
Ee~ I luv Kagerou~ I luv this pv~ I luv this songu~ X3 Someday I will go to one of their lives and glomp Yuana and Daisuke and everyone else for making such lovely Jrock songs since diru~ X3

*end fangirl momemt*

After reading many stories about transexuality Olivie has just convinced me that he is one himself
Especially after being invited into his room and showing me all of his ‘stuff’ ^^;;

I mean he’s so fruity. And he claims that he isn’t gay (which is probably true, or not) And he wears boas and makeup and heels so~ makes sense right? >_>

Either that or somebody else has to explain to me what a transex is again because my conscience has failed in doing so...

EDIT: After looking at the Spiky webpage, Masa also has convinced me how much of a brat he is. Look at his picture on the members page to see what I'm talking about.
Damn, I so wanna listen to Masa sing ><

Mari last said goodbye @ 11:51 AM.

Thrusday, March 27, 2003
Music: Psycho le Cemu - 愛の唄

Survey and other stuff

Taken from Lez, I think... >_>

1. Look in your closet, What is the predominant colour of your clothing? White
2. What would you say is your most unique or unusual possession. I dunno. My wooden leaf from the musical? My paper-mache Mokona thingie? My big inflatable yellow banana? etc. etc. >_>
3. What is the oldest thing in your possession? Snoopy alarm clock
4. How much time do you spend in the average day Grooming yourself?(shower, hairbrushing, makeup, dressing, peering in mirror to check appearance, etc) hour and a half
5. Have you ever had a song that reminded you of or you otherwise associated with a particular person? (love song, breakup song, best friend song, etc) lots, mostly to myself
6. Do you have any identifying marks or objects on your backpack, purse, wallet, car, (or whatever your primary travelling stuff holder is)..? If so, what are they and do they have any sentimental meaning to you? marks? Japanesey stuff. Hello Kitty Japanesey looking purse with small Totoro keychain. Ed pins on backpack, etc. etc.
7. Are you wearing any jewelry right now? If so, What? small ring earrings
8. Describe your bed and bedding ( ex: pillows, blankets, the teddy bear you've had since you were 3) twin bed, purple sheets, purple blankie, flowery pillows, Reni plushie *smoosh*
9. Have you ever kept a Book-type diary/journal( in otherwords, not online and not read by anyone other than yourself to your knowledge) which you wrote in at least once a fortnight for a consecutive period of no less than 6 months? nope; too lazy XP
10. What fictional world would you most like to live in, and/Or what fictional character's life would you like your life to mirror? dunno, most anime worlds or fine. Maybe something like an Magical Girl Jrock Idol or something XD You know like Fancy Lala or Full Moon; wait those are Jpop >_>
11. Do you know which side of the looking glass you're on? nope. Hopefully not on the other side
12. Do you have long fingernails? Are they real? Are they all about the same length? are they painted? Do you use a nail file with any frequency? No. Yes. Yes. No. No
13. Do you prefer to live in a urban or rural area? either is fine, I suppose
14. What song are you listening to right now? If you aren't listening to something now, what's the last song you remember hearing? Ometto Samba XD
15. Mew? にゃ?
16. Think of a close friend. If They were able to go on their dream trip, where would they go? dunno
17. 42? にゃ?
18. 69? Tetsu? にゃ? O_o
19. 3.14? er...pi? O_o

Finished Randy. Ending was filled with mush mush and more mush >< Must have been made for only Randy fans or something
Next: Olivie XD Lovable and Fruity Olivie-sama XD Voiced by Koyasu Takehito as well XD He does a very good job being fruity XD XD


What kind of tongue do you have? (j-rock photo answers)
brought to you by Quizilla

Bwahaha~ Beeeda! XP

Bow to me!

Which jrock pet are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Kya~ I love Belle~ Cute~ ^___^

Isshi (Kagrra)

You're Isshi from Kaggra! You're special.

Which JRock Vocalist Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Woo~ All the results on this quiz are neat~ XD

Mom says I'm too genki for someone who had four of her wisdom teeth pulled out XD I also hear now that I had surgery on my top cause the roots there were too spread out to pull out. (I was gased when they pulled out my teeth) So now I have stitches in my mouth, neat~ XD
Although now I have this stupid cold sore on my lip ><

Mari last said goodbye @ 4:16 PM.

Tuesday, March 25, 2003
Music: 椎名林檎 - 闇に降る雨

Brief (and delayed) Oscar Winners thought and comments

Whaddiya know. Spirited Away went to American theaters and brought back an Oscar. I glad it did; it was a really good movie. Too bad Hayao Miyazaki wasn’t there to accept the award though.
And Chicago won Best Picture >< Dammit! Even more now I wanna see it! Note to self: find time this week to go movies

Finished Marcel. Cute but wasn’t that impressed with his ending. I guess since his first one was so sweet and cute, I was kinda expecting a little bit more of that in the second one.
And is it me or does the nice version of Angelique (player) look like she's on crack O_o
Anyways, next shall be Randy! Ph34r me, shota-estique boys! Ufufufu~ XD XD

And thanks to you and your delishie looking scans I am now downloading Get Backers episodes; despite my personal protest of not starting any new animes until I catch up on other ones. I hope you’re happy XP

Get Well Soon ^_^ *hugs; makes get well Jun shaped chocolates*

Guess what? I'm Saiga!

I’m the laidback sexual guy with a fetish for randomly groping the bishounen in the series. When I'm not acting as the comedic relief and reducing a tense situation with laughter, I'm often caught sleeping around the drugstore, still adorned in my sunglasses.

Find out with GD bishie you are | by Aelice

Very good comic made by Clamp ^_^ Read scans here

Also found scanlations of SaiKano X3 It's such a wonderful manga. Everyone read kay X3 It's a litle slow in the beginning but gets better later, I promise X3 X3
The plot? Well, I can't exactly explain it, since I don't wanna give it away. It's kinda like a love drama in a sense but touches you more than the stuff you read in shoujo mangas.
And Chiaki-chan is oh so cute~ X9 *pointless fawning*

Tomorrow I’m getting my teeth pulled. Oh joy ><

Mari last said goodbye @ 11:06 PM.

Sunday, March 23, 2003
Music: none


There was a war update during the commercial break of the Oscars.

14 Americans are dead

and a few of them are captured.

I hope Todd wasn't one of them...

Mari last said goodbye @ 8:18 PM.

Saturday, March 22, 2003
Music: Caps and Bins - Keep on Dreaming

I must be anti–social today

Bwaha I gave up going to the cast member pot luck today cause
1) the place was too far away from where I live
2) Mom had a few errands to run
3) I just didn’t feel like going
Although I think it was more of reason 3 why I’m still here. Well nice thing about it, I got to catch up on my sleep instead of partying till who knows when.

And I got to finish Zephel as well. We went riding on his self-made air bike through the planet where he grew up. Ending was cute, but not as cute as Luva’s ©
Next victi- er *cough* lover: Marcel! X3 *sing* I feel like shota tonight~!

New layouts here here here... Omigawd!! O///O Unexpected orgy layout! Oh my virgin eyes! >< ( <-- うそ -_-;;)

...this song is making me feel giddy all over. Eiji cheering song for ya ^^

EDIT: Oh why thank you. Fox X Collin smut is just what I need to make my day XD

Mari last said goodbye @ 7:21 PM.

Friday, March 21, 2003
Music: 椎名林檎 - 罪と罰

The hunt for key ring begans

Coming home from school today, and on the bus there was this girl sitting across from me who had a Sanzo key ring hanging on her backpack. Stared at it a few times while mentally screaming, “Omigawd! I want one of those!” in my head. I was thinking about asking her where she got it from but before I could, she got off -_-; *sigh* Maybe I can find one on eBay...
Ooh, English version Saiyuki Reload... *stare* Maybe I should...
No! Key ring! Check for key ring! ><
...?! WTF?! Goku X Sanzo?! *looks* X_X Oh my... Oh, the wrongness... ><
Argh! Must...not be...distracted...again...!
*clickie click *
...Hmm, I wonder if they have that in Sanzo :3
... >< Key ring!!
*clickety click*
... *sigh* No more...
Wah~, I wanna Sanzo key ring~ T__T

EDIT: plug plug, Go join Lez's new clique, plug ^_^

Mari last said goodbye @ 1:20 PM.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003
Music: Angelique Special 2 BGM from Playstation

My current progress so far in Angelique…

Well, after five or six tries at this game, I finally got my Luva ending ©
In the end he took off his turban thingie to show that he loved me ©© (some custom from where he’s from)
It was so cute ©©© ^___^

Next up, Zephel! Here I come, you temperamental bishie you >:3 *evil laughter*

EDIT: I keep forgeting to mention the new layouts. Ooh! That's a neat idea, Astrarise ^_^

DidI ever mention how much I love this one? For some reason layouts with beer and/or cigerettes always seem to attract me ^^;;

Mari last said goodbye @ 7:32 PM.

Monday, March 17, 2003
Music: Raphael - Lost Graduation

Anime Boyfriend / Girlfriend Quizzes

Who's Your Anime Boyfriend?

Uheeheehee~, Sanzo's me boyfriend~ X3

Who's Your Anime Girlfriend?

And Miyu's me girlfriend! XD Although I would prefer Yui more, but she is the mother/sister of Yui so~... ^^

Mari last said goodbye @ 8:48 PM.

Saturday, March 15, 2003
Music: 坂本真綾 - gravity

personal rant...

Fuck I'm in such a rotten mood.
I know that my mom keeps bugging me about school because she's worried about me not graduating. I know that she doesn't want me to fail in life.
But I know I am! I am gonna fuckin' graduate, like it or not!
Sometimes I wonder whether I'm really going to school for my sake or more for the people around me.

Mari last said goodbye @ 3:51 PM.

Thrusday, March 13, 2003
Music: 椎名林檎 - 茎 ~大名遊ビ編~

New Layout

Gawd fuck. Do you know how fucking long it took to get a layout on this thing? Damn stupid ads, I am so not putting up a new one for a long while ><

Now I have this stupid fucking headache that won't go away >< *sigh* I'll post later...

EDIT: Feeling much better now ^^v Funny how much a little bit of sleep can do for you, ne~

you're hatsuharu
which random white-haired male anime character are you?
a quiz by saturn

...eheh ^^ We even have the same chinese zodic sign. Maybe all year of the ox people have that similar trait ^^

Bleh! Screw Vincent! What happen to my Sloane X Holden?! T__T

Mari last said goodbye @ 4:08 PM.

Name: マリ (Mari)
Birthday: 4/22
Horoscope: taurus / 丑
Bloodtype: unknown
Height: 155 cm
Weight: 53 kg

email me AIM

Japanese. Late teens. Strawberry pocky addict. Enigma. Procrastinator. Short attention span. Excessive memory loss. Has been known to fawn over androgynous people that usually have something to do with Jrock. Has a disturbing fetish for young boys in short shorts. To be used with caution.

Artist: none
Band: Kagerou
Song: AIDORU gurui no shinrigaku (Kagerou)
Anime: Prince of Tennis, Wolf's Rain
Manga: none
Game: Angelique Special 2

Reality is cruel, isn't it?
Version 8.0
Coverboys: Dir en grey
Dir en grey for the first time, graces my blog. Well, you can't really tell it's them though, since you can only see the from their chins down ^^; Picture was taken around ain't afraid to die era thus the reason why you'll be seeing some of the lyrics in a few places. Made by Fake Wings. Go visit ^_^

A site you may need while reading

read archives here.

enlightenment / Astarise
Dwellers of a Sandcastle / Codi
prodigious / Cori
goldfish / goldfish
JenTech Productions / Jen
space between / Keri
star scream / Kim
temporary mitten / Ko
From the mind's eye / Kouri
Vital Access / Kurot / Leigh
Angel Egg / Lez
Lunitic Gate / mellie
entropy / mifyuu
Furenchikisu / Mura
Helicon / starfire
Disorderly Coconuts / Usa-p
Shiroi Heya
Top Floor Apartment

Boy meets Boy
Cursed MoonS
Jade Sparkle
little gamers
Mac Hall
Nova Next Exit
Okashina Okashi
Penny Arcade
Slanted Minds
Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki
Tsunami Channel
Your Wings Are Mine

Aya-chan the school girl! Doncha luv the skirt? XD Student Council President, Yura-sama! Very popular with the female students XD School Soccer Star, Daishi! He's bad with his studies; your regular jock ^^; School Deliquent, Lida! Also childhood friend of Daishi ^_^ Student Council Vice President, Seek! Gets picked on a lot though... >< *hug*
Aya's Doppleganger, Alice ^_^ Yura-sama's Doppleganger, Pueple Princ~ ^_^ Daishi's Doppleganger, Cri'n Hunt Revolution ^_^ Lida's Doppleganger, Heaven's Wings ^_^ Seek's Doppleganger, Ura Ashitaka ^_^
Made by Cori

The Brat

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Journeys to the West

First Love

domestic VIOLENCE

Pretty Shinya Sexi Totchi

Pop is Dead

Ribbons and Ringlets

Corrupted Angelic Gaze Dearlings Sink Lust

<<<Weapon || Sanzo's || revoler>>>
I nyah, do you?
i © strawberry pocky
My Song ¯ the Fourth Avenue Cafe
I © shota

click here for more cliques and fanlistings

Pocky! Ichigo Pocky! *huggles*
Gackt! Kinda looks like another version of Okita ^_^ Shinya! In fluffy pink dress! Kya~~! ^_^ Toshiya! In blue cyber kimono! Kya~! Mana-sama~! ^^

Sanzo! Halisen included! ^_^

Kya~ an Eiji-neko! *smooshie* XD~

click here fore more adoptions

Layout from Fake Wings
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