![]() Name: Mari Alias: Mari-chan, Neko, Sakura, Super Mari-chan, Dark Mog (don't ask... ^^;), Mari Oujou (*pathetic voice* why?) Email: kittychan001@hotmail.com Sign: Taurus Hobbies/Interest: singing net surfing Aquarian Age: Juvinille Orion cards Shinsengumi (especially Okita Soushi) video games (mostly RPGs Strawberry Pocky (Wanna make Mari happy? Go buy her some Pocky!!) Characters: Akira Ijuiin (20MO!, CCD, X) Leni Milchstrausse (SWars. So obsessed with her, it's scary. O.o) Asato Tsuzuki (YnM) Ryuiichi Sakuma (Gravi) Ed (CB) Puchiko (Di Gi Charat) PKO aka Rik, Ky, and Coo (Di Gi Charat) Soujiro (RK) Nuriko (FY. My first love. *sigh*) Couples: Kamui x Fuuma (X) Trowa x Quatre (GW) Omi x Nagi (WeiK) Raiha x Fuuko (FoR manga) Hikaru x Lantis x Eagle (one or the other...MKR) Taichi x Yamato (Digimon) Kyo x Tohru (FB) Shinji x Kaworu (Eva) Miki x Utena (Utena manga) Anime: Saiyuki WeiB Kreuz Clamp Campus Detectives (Bishonen! With Short Shorts!! *drools*) Kareshi Kanojou no Jijou Gravitation Fruits Basket Di Gi Charat Cowboy Bebop Manga: Saiyuki Yami no Matsuei Count Cain Rurouni Kenshin Mangaka: Clamp Youko Matsushita Kazuya Minekura Artists: L'arc~en Ciel Hikaru Utada Gackt aiko Seiyuu: Hiro Yuuki Megumi Hayashibara Takehito Koyasu Minami Omi Shinichirou Miki Akira Ishida Souichirou Hoshi Songs and Themes: The fourth avenue cafe (L'arc~en Ciel) Drive (Incubus) Open Up Your Mind (mirai) Calypso (Spiderbait) Vanilla (Gackt) Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen) Life's Gonna Suck (Dennis Leary) Wonder Boy (Tenacious D) Tightrope (Charcoal Filter) Don't Think of Me (Dido) Iris (Goo Goo Dolls) Songs so far: Sa Yo Na Ra (globe) 1/2 (Makoto Kawamoto) It's gonna rain (Bonnie Pink) Last Kiss (Tanpopo) First Love (Hikaru Utada) Dearest (from Nadesico movie. I'll remember it one of these days...) Yume no Naka he (Kare Kano version) S.O.S. (Pink Ladies, used Kare Kano version) Odoru Ponpokorin (B.B. Queens) Fuyu no Uta (Kiroro) Archive: Blogs I Read: Seeing Stars / starfire goldfish / goldfish temporary mitten / Ko space between / Keri Adopted: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Friends:
| July 10, 2002 Personality: Ecstatic Music: Vanilla (Gackt) Gackt fans like me would of course know Vanilla, the popular song with a catchy beat that sticks to your head like glue. I still to this day start singing that song for no apparent reason. I was first introduced to Gackt by a webmistress who practically loved him to death. In one of her fics, she keeps her Gackt in a cage and makes him sing "Vanilla" 24/7 I believe.(Or was it more...) But most Amercian J-pop/J-rock fans cannot or very little understand what the words to the songs are and listen to it anyways for the tune. Well after downloading this song, I must say I was very...surprised. You see, Vanilla is a very very kinky song. As quoted from a Gackt quiz result: "Just the name 'Vanilla' suggests its rather delicious qualities. He's bleached, caged, moaning, dancing, and humping his band members.... he's talking about having sex in a manner that shocks even the most sex-desensitized person." This was probably the first J-rock song I heard that has lyrics such as "Long fingernails got me erect" and "I want to struggle on until I'm inside of you". He even does little a little "Kami-sama" (god) moan before the second verse. Not to say this song is bad now. It's really great and puts you in a jazzy kinda mood. Like listening to mambo or something, you know? In fact, I love it so much I even decieded to download the live version of this song and believe me it was worth it!! Somehow Gackt doing all sort of suggestive things to his band members is very intriging... Like bending over letting his guitarist kiss his neck or unzipping his bassist's shirt. (You think I'm joking, don't you.) Obviously most of his fans are made up of teen girls and women who love his style or just love chains and/or yaoi. Nevertheless, even if you are a guy, try listining to Vanilla. It'll haunt you for days. Mari-chan's Quiz Results of the Day: Still keeping on the same topic, J-rock bands!! *squeels* ![]() you are DIVE TO BLUE! Light hearted and easy-going, you are sometimes accused of having your head in the clouds. Although, you don't usually listen to things like that because you're too busy chasing that fluffy kitty cat.. Good song. Fits me well. Kinda wanted Blurry Eyes though... ![]() You're Sai wa Nagerareta! Your incredible apathy amazes me. You just don't care! Your melody is cheerful, but not overly so, which probably describes you. You don't see the point in love and romance -- -- even if everyone else around you is falling in love, you couldn't care less. You complain about not being understood, but some of your lyrics are indecipherable: "Mew is dead," for example. Isn't Mew a Pokemon...? Oh well, I like you plenty anyway. I have actually heard this song. It's pretty good. Not as good as others but pretty good. Also fits me well. ![]() Tet-chan is the bassist and leader of this wonderful band. He's pretty cool. (He likes Evangelion!! How funny is that!!). I believe Hyde was the last on my list. (How sad...T_T) Just a side note that Laruku isn't really that popular in Japan as they use to be. One of my many Japanese acquaintences tell me that they come up with hit singles every now and then but not as popular as artists like Gackt. (Awww...poor guys...but Mari-chan will always support you so Ganbatte!! ^_^) ![]() Which Gackt are you most like? quiz by "You are spunky rock Gackt." Or whatever that means. This is also another one of his many popular songs. Very upbeat and happy. Sadly I did not get Vanilla (Though I don't think of myself has very horny...) ![]() I am a casual Gackt fan! What kind of Gackt fan are you? quiz by ![]() Yep, that's kinda like me. I usually end up liking the artist or group by how many songs I like so... Thus the end of my rant...
June 9, 2002 Personality: Spastic Music: Lain's Theme (Lain) I just noticed something... Lilo's not wearing slippers!! She's wearing sandals!! She's not Hawaiian!! Stupid Disney. Always screwing things up. Was just reading through my old comics. I miss Bloom County and Calvin and Hobbes... Quiz results for the day: Some people may call you a bum, they're probably right. You're quick to start a fight and you always seem to be broke. You're an amateur but you're learning. But you're still a bum. ...a bum, huh...well I do always seem to be broke most of the time. (I blame it on Watanabe-sensei. Hameln comics are rotting my brain and forcing me to buy more.) Yes, I got another Soujiro. No, I am not cheating. Mari answers the questions truthfully. I'm gone...
July 8, 2002 Personality: Tired Music: Hanabi (aiko) Mari's life right now is pretty boring so she's gonna put up another round of quiz results... ![]() You're Aoki Seiichirou! Surprisingly, Aoki is actually my favorite character in X. (Kamui and Fuuma are great too but even better as a couple! ^_^). Only in the anime world you can find nice and polite people like Aoki. Although I don't really think of myself as a "true gentlewoman". Disoraganized and scatterbrained, yes. But gentlewoman, no.
My, how surprising. I thought I would be more like Yo-tan... The mind-reading, short temper, red haired, German beauty! You are Schuldig, Mr. Popularity Extraordinare! You have so much potential to be a charming, witty, and alluring person!! However you delight in screwing other people over!!! This is all because it's all with in your power. You can read minds, make people do things they don't want to do. Telephathy and mind control is your stregnth and downfall..besides your impulsiveness and short-temper. You have a car, in which to drive farfarello around, and have the most annoying seiyuu alive! Your weiß counter is Youji, and unlike HIM..you are fashionable to some degree... all of this making YOU, probably the most drooled over Schwarz member. Which you deserve to be, because Farfie and Nagi are annoying as hell. What member of Schwarz are you? Hm, SchuSchu alright. Not my favorite but he's not irritating like some characters in that show. (*cough*Ouka*cough*bitch*cough*) I have no idea where I got the nickname "SchuSchu" from. I think someone started calling him that but I can't remember who... Anyways... Eh, fits me pretty well... Okay, that's it for now... ![]()
July 7, 2002 Personality: Bored Music: Boyfriend (aiko) I rented the Lilo and Stitch game this morning and just finished it a while ago. Why did I even bother renting it? Well it was free. And Blockbuster has a very very limited selection of Playstation games... A friend of mine sent me a website with some quizzes. I was gonna post one result a day but since I'm bored, I'm gonna post them all up now... ^^; Gee, how suprising... What Kimiki Character are you? I like this artist's dolls so I figured why not. I think Navi was also a doll. I can't remember... Which Graduation Girl are you? The game is very interesting but god I hate those English voices! Especially the person who did Sari. Such an irritating Boston accent. Um...gee...I don't know about that... Okay, I'm done here. *cutesy voice* Bai Bai!! ^_^
July 5, 2002 Personality: Tired Music: Summoning of the Muse (Dead Can Dance) Got tired of my Arc of the Lad Collection after I got halfway through the second game. (You know, as much as I love Hiro Yuuki, somehow his voice doesn't seem to fit the role of Arc.) I rummaged through my old games and started to replay my Slayers Royal 2 Game. I really love that character Lark (surprise surprise). The elf that looks like a kid and yet is 24 years old! I should find the first game so that I could get to know him better... ^_^ Funniest part of the game: there is this girl who happens to look just like Lina but with a little bigger chest. Hillarious!! There's also a kinda imposter Gourry who's out to beat the swordsman. Note: do not get this game if you don't really know Japanese that well. I have a friend who got the same game and is still stuck on the first event. (I'll help him out sooner or later...) Oh yeah, and here's my quiz result of the day: Gimme something good!
Yep, that fits me pretty well.
July 4, 2002 Personality: Neutral Music: Secret Base~Kimi ga Kureta Mono (Zone) I can see again. I have overpowered the drops. Bwahaha... Here's how Mari-chan spent her one day vacation... 1. spent the first hours on the computer (surprise surprise) 2. family took grandmother out for lunch in celebration of her birthday (85 years old and still healthy as a horse, no joke.) 3. after lunch, went a little shopping. Stocked up on my strawberry pocky and pretz stash. 4. took a nap... 5. dog was acting a bit strange so me and mom took him for a little drive (probably because of the fireworks) 6. went back on the computer and is now writing this entry Wow. How exciting... July 3, 2002 Personality: Crazy Music: Iris (Goo Goo Dolls) Well, looks like I'll be a little blind for a couple of hours... Today I had an appointment with my mother's ophthalmologist for an eye check and the doctor gave Mari-chan some nice little drops in her eyes which basically relaxes your eyes so that they won't stress as much when you use them. Unfortuanetly this also means that I can't read anything for a while. Luckily the drops only last until tomorrow night so it won't interfere with my classwork but... What am I suppose to do in the mean time?! I can't exactly read any of my comics, nor go on the internet. In fact, I'm actually using my mother's glasses to write this entry. (Of course I need to give it back to her sooner or later.) I can't even watch any of my animes because all of them are subtitled!! God this is pathetic... T_T Anyways to get back on track, the doctor also mentioned that after my eyes learn to relax, she would do the test again and there might be a chance that I may need glasses. Whoopee. Although people do say that glasses make a person look smarter...hmmm... On the side note, I'm also thinking of chopping off my hair. It keeps getting in my way and in where I live it makes the weather seem more hotter with hair down the back of your neck, especially when it's black and in the summer. So I might be having a tiny makeover soon. Or not. Either way... June 28, 2002 Personality: Depressed Music: Drive (Incubus) *This rant contains SPOILERS for the following: Neon Genesis Evagelion: tv series, movies, and manga Cowboy Bebop Please read with caution.* I have finally come to the conclusion that Touji Suzuhara, that lovable Kansai speaking character in Evangelion, has died in the comic. This took me at least reading my friend's copy about two times before realizing it. You know, for some strange reason I'm always slow noticing death, even in real life. A year ago, I couldn't believe that a family relative of mine had just died. I thought he was just sleeping at the time and would probably wake up soon. Of course it finally hit me when his funeral took place. Even then, I didn't shed a tear. From this day, I still never cried for him. (I kinda had a bad relationship with the guy). I guess it would seem sort of strange to not do so for own own relative. But its kind of hard to for someone who you thought was everything when you were a kid but ends up becoming a disapointment later on... Recently, I went to a funeral for my friend's grandfather. As I went to hug the grandmother, she smiled and thanked me, saying that it must have been hard as well knowing that I have just been in this same situation. I didn't know what to say. What do you say in a situation like this? ...okay, it's time to get back on track. In my opinion, I really thought that the Evangelion manga was so much better than the anime and was hoping it would come out with a better ending. (The tv series left you hanging and the movies sucked. That b*tch still lived! -_-*) But after reading that one issue, I don't know what to think. Forget Shinji, Touji seems more likr the tragic character here. The anime at least let him live, leaving him with an arm and a leg, but that still left me a bit unsatisfied. Maybe I was kind of hoping for him to survive (with both arms and legs, mind you) and live life on from there, I don't know. I think I've been influencied too much with the American way of "the story has to have a 'happy ending'" compared to the the Japanese way of "let's have the main character's best friend marry her love interest and kill her off". Japanese dramas then to do that a lot. Oh yes. By the way... Kaworu's coming out in manga 8!!! Woo Hoo!! More ShinjixKaworu yaoi scenes!! I can't wait!! ^_^ Also on the side note, I found out a few weeks ago that Spike didn't fall unconsious at the end of Cowboy Bebop. He DIED!! I know, I'm so sad...T_T Although my other friend still believes he didn't... ^^;