Layout: Sai from Hikaru no Go, not exactly placed in a Japanese setting but the character design of this lovely bishie attracted me. Such a lovable character. I only read the chapters that has Sai in them. I'm sorry, I'm not that interested with a plot that circulates around a Japanese chess game. Too boring. Name: Mari Alias: Mari-chan, Super Mari-chan, Dark Mog, Mari Oujou Sign: Taurus Hobbies/Interest: Characters: Couples: Anime: Manga: Mangaka: Artists: Seiyuu: Songs and Themes: Songs so far: Notes: 1. Mari tends to like animes with lots of guys in them (i.e. Saiyuki, WeiB Kreuz). Especially if they have bishonen with short shorts (i.e. Clamp Campus Detectives). 2. If you haven't guessed by now, Mari's guys of interest are around the ages of 10-19 years of age. Although it has been noted that she sometimes catches her eye on guys who are sweet, caring, dependable, and loyal. In other words, a gentleman, which is a dying breed in our society. 3. Mari loves anything that has a Japanese theme. (i.e. Old Japan setting mangas like Rurouni Kenshin, famous artists like Gackt wearing a hakama, etc.) 4. Mari is usually compared to as a cat because of her cat-like ways that shows in everything she does. She usually makes the following sounds: mya, mew, nya, nyu. 5. Mari is a quiz addict. Thus there will be lots of results on her blog. Although she has been cutting back recently, she will probably post at least one result a day. 6. Mari is also a strawberry Pocky addict. If you wish to make her happy, buy her some pocky. She is also willing to accept Pretz, the original or old fashioned style. Archive: Blogs I Read:
Clique Omi ♥squick♥ Nagi *I sleep with my Leni plushie!* « seiyuu ¤ Toshihiko Seki » I want my Akira-kun! «« Weapon || Sanzo's || Smith and Wesson revoler »» I nyah, do you? | I ¤GLOMPED¤ Tsuzuki | ¤I fly with angel wing§ *Addict :: Shigure Sohma Adopted: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This layout was brought to you by Breeze Graphics.
| August 2, 2002 Music: Fukai Mori (Do As Infinity) Yesterday I went to my friends' party and slept over their house with a couple of other people. Since most of them decided to watch Thirteen Ghosts (which to me wasn't as good as I heard), I decided to read through their manga collection which mostly made up of almost every translated shoujo manga you can find. (Sadly for me...) But on the plus note, I found out that Mars is actually pretty interesting. Another comic to find on my list. Since it was a joint Birthday/Graduation party, I gave them the newly released Kare Kano DVD. The cover is really cute and even has a little Pero Pero sticker on it! ^_^ Don't know how good it is though. Heck, I already have the first series (fansubbed beatifully from my friend), I don't really have the get the DVD version Then again rumor has it that companies will stop making VHS or video tapes in 2004... Well doesn't that suck. ::vein popping:: Oh yes remember that lovely Sesshoumaru picture I posted a couple of entries ago? Here's the sequel which I found from this site. Heh heh, it seems Sesshoumaru-sama loves Pocky just as much as Mari does. ^_^ ![]() July 29, 2002 Music: none This heat is making me really tired. I already took two naps today... Lookie. Mari found a Saiyuki Personality Test! ^_^ Surprisingly I got Sanzo. Even though he's a cool character it really didn't seem like me so I took it again. Got Goku. Really fits me well...
![]() July 28, 2002 Music: Fukai Mori (Do As Infinity) I spent my last three days packing and going to my Girl Scout camp. I was kinda fun, here and there. Normally I would dread sleeping out in the booneys, fighting off those stupid bugs around me, but it was a little different this time. Since the camp I was conducting had some guys who I must say were polite and generally fun to hang around. They were also pretty cute too. (Even though they were around 13. ^^;) Not that I'm leaving out the girl campers. They were great as well! (Of course ^_^) But anyway, I'm glad to be back with my air conditioned room and my Gure-san! (Mari-chan's Lovely Computer! ^_^) BTW Jen, if you are reading this I apologize for stealing your idea. I have been looking for a good name for my new computer ever since I have gotten rid of Omicchi, my old one. ^^; Anyway, I'll be going back to my daily blogging of course. All I have to do right now is trying to find a way to deal with these stupid mosquito bites I came home with. (Me and Sanzo share the same opinion on bugs...) I spend three whole days without Pocky. Must replenish the crave.... ![]() July 24, 2002 Music: Koko de Kiss Shite (Shiina Ringo) No more pocky... T_T So I'm settling with the next best thing. ::munches on sour gummy worms:: I found more quizzes! Yeah! XD ![]() What Type of Villain are You? / <º> ![]() You are TENJOU UTENA least I'm not Sailor Moon or something...
Music: none Jessi-chan and Ina-chan translated chapter 33! Kya~! Thank you! I love it! I want more Kyo X Tohru!! ^_^ Merrow also made a Kyo version of her Furuba music video! The picture's a little fuzzy but it's reaaally cute! Go watch! Heh, Mari-chan's now in a Kyo X Tohru mood! ^_^ I'm also in the mood for some pocky... ::runs off to her pocky stash:: ![]() July 23, 2002 Music: Koko de Kiss shite (Shiina Ringo) Heh heh, my new word for the day. ^_^ Thanks to my quiz addiction, I found these two web comics that hooked me instanly. Could it be because it both happen to have lots of attractive guys in them? Hm...I wonder... And as for the results: ![]() Which JS character are you? Yeah! Col's my favorite in this one! Ry x Col all the way!! ^_^ *Shameless Plug* Wanna learn more about Col? Visit JS! ![]() Which Arcana character are you? Double Yeah!! Caine is also cool! What can I say, puppy guys attracts me. ^_^ *Another Shameless Plug* Wanna learn more about Caine? Visit Arcana! As for MegaTokyo, I must say that Largo still ceases to amaze me. No wonder why he's so bad with women. His line of conversation, quote: Largo: "My cool thing!! See, it's this... thing. And it's like.. cool. It's shiny... It has all sorts of moving parts. And it does things. Cool things!" I wonder if the real Largo is like this... ![]() July 22, 2002 Music: none Just finished downloaded a clip of a Domoto Kyodai episode that I will definetly be keeping! Just so that nobody would get lost as I talk about this, Domoto Kyodai is a show hosted by Tsuyoshi and Koichi Domoto who are both well known as Kinki Kids. (Heh, Kinki kids...*thinks bad thoughts*) They basically get a whole bunch of other famous music stars, like Gackt (which is why I download the shows) and have a special guest new singer in every episode. They interview them and sing a song of the day (think "Whose Line is it Anyway?) It's a great show! Anyways, in this episode Gackt was asked how would he pick up a girl. Gackt: "I don't really care to flirt as much. So if I see someone I like, I would kiss that person directly." (At this time, you could hear the audience screaming in the background. ^_^) Then Tsuyoshi-kun says: "How would you do it?" (Screams get louder. ^__^). Gackt is a little hesitent and first but he goes across from Tsuyoshi, who pretended to be a girl, as the the romantic music cued. They both walk very elegantly toward each other... Then Gackt reaches for Tsuyoshi's face and pulls him closer... And Tsuyoshi, in surprise, pulls away from him! (Even I was screaming at this point! ^___^) The best part: Gackt afterwords still remained calm, as if nothing happened!! Kya~, I love it!! ^____^ A keeper! Definetly a keeper!!! And since I'm in a yaoi mood today... Are you seme or uke? Find out! I am also proud to announce that: Which Lilo & Stitch Character Are YOU? Find out now! Only from the Quiz Junkie Booyah!! How cool is that!! ^__^ Music: Samurai Drive (hitomi) ...and I did s'more quizzes so suffer!! Bwa ha ha... ![]() Romantic Mixed in your emotions, nothing in your life really seems to matter except for your ideals and dreams... Find out what bishonen you are. ![]() The cat in the background of Trigun. Find out what secondary animated character you are. Yeah! Kuro Neko-sama! Sw33t!! (a sign of too much MegaTokyo...)
![]() Millions Knives Once again, another genocidal maniac. Aren't you proud? You tend to want to remove everyone from your life...or life in general...except for one special person. This person may get on your nerves at times, but you love him/her dearly. Be careful though...this person's dreams may begin to interfere with your own Find out what anime villan you are. Didn't I also get Vash in one of these quizzes? I can't remember... ![]() July 21, 2002 Music: Samurai Drive (hitomi) Just got up from my nap. Still kinda tired. You know, I really want to join this clique but all my favorite smokers are taken. Then again Shigure is still available. But he's not my one of my favs... I didn't know Gren and SchuSchu smoked. Look! A Takehito Koyasu quiz! Yay! ^_^ Ano...Koyasu never played Sesshoumaru, Ken Narita did. Who also voiced Fuuma from that horrible X movie and Tetsuya from Fushigi Yuugi. (Hey, I just thought that up in my head. I think I know my seiyuus too well...^^;) *SPOILER WARINING!* Speaking of which, I just caught up with all my miscilanious downloaded episodes and watched the last episode of the X TV series. I can't believe it! Why can't Fuuma and Kamui both live in the end. Why does Clamp have to make it so angsty... Oh, and Sorata dies!! Yuuto dies too!!! It's so sad!!! At least Aoki survives... *END SPOILER WARNING* Edo gave me a Chii figure. Wai~! Sankyuu, Edo! ^_^ I'm putting it together now. It's so pretty... I want more!! Argh! My computer messed up and didn't save a couple of Angelic Layer episodes. And I already erased them too! Damnit! Now I have to download them again... Has anyone ever noticed how Oujirou is not perverted in the anime as he is in the manga? Guess they had to make im kid friendly. Too bad, I liked him like that. I also like Shuuko in the manga more then I do in the anime. Instead of having MS, she goes panic frenzy when she's with someone is really loves. It's so cute when she and Misaki finally meet in the end. ^_^ Although, somehow Oujirou and Tamayo together doesn't seem right... Maybe he should have paired up with Misaki in the end. That would have been cute! ^_^ But what about Kotarou-chan? Hm... I guess Tamayo could have him. *yawn* I think I'll go back to sleep. Night... Music: Is It You? (hitomi) I didn't know that Tenshi ni Narumon had a yaoi couple! Pretty hot ones, as well...with wings!! ^_^ But that won't make me watch that sickenly cute anime. ![]() July 20, 2002 Music: none My friend who went to Japan went by his instinct and got me the first set of Juvenille Orion. Wa~i! ^_^ Thank you, Marvin! Luv ya! Heh heh, more bishonen for my collection. There's even an Okita Soushi! Kya~! It's so beautiful! I love it!! ^__^ He said he had to go back on Monday. Maybe I should ask for more... Music: Hanabi (aiko) Thought I'd share this result with everyone else. I didn't know there was a morning musume with the same name as me. Kinda acts like me too. On the side note, I do not like Morning Musume. I'm such a quiz addict, I take any sort of quizzes for the heck of it. Isn't that sad. Music: Pink (Yuamu) I got this:
Take the Trigun personality quizlet here! But I really wanted this:
Take the Trigun personality quizlet here! Guess I'm not evil enough... |