Open Up Your Mind... Name: Mari Alias: Mari-chan, Super Mari-chan, Dark Mog Birth: April 22 Sign: Taurus Email: AIM: Kittychan001 Interests: Weapons of Choice: Anime / Manga: Artists: Songs and Themes: Songs sang so far: Notes: 1. Mari tends to like animes with lots of guys in them (i.e. Saiyuki, WeiB Kreuz). Especially if they have bishonen with short shorts (i.e. Clamp Campus Detectives). 2. Mari's guys of interest are around the ages of 10-19 years of age. Although it has been noted that she sometimes catches her eye on guys who are sweet, caring, dependable, and loyal. In other words, a gentleman, which is a dying breed in our society. 3. Mari loves anything that has a Japanese theme. (i.e. Old Japan setting mangas like Rurouni Kenshin, famous artists like Gackt wearing a hakama, etc.) 4. Mari tends to 'nya' once in a while. Or any other cat sound in that matter. 5. Mari is a quiz addict. Thus there will be lots of results on her blog. Although she has been cutting back recently, she will probably post at least one result every now and then. 6. Mari is also a strawberry Pocky addict. If you wish to make her happy, buy her some pocky. She is also willing to accept Pretz, old fashioned style. Archive: Blogs:
Web Comics: Anime / Manga Clique: Omi ♥squick♥ Nagi *I sleep with my Leni plushie!* I want my Akira-kun! «« Weapon || Sanzo's || revoler »» *Addict :: Shigure Sohma Jrock Cliques: Misc. Cliques: « seiyuu ¤ Toshihiko Seki » I nyah, do you? ¤I fly with angel wing§ i © strawberry pocky Adopted: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
| Wednesday, October 30, 2002
This is such a weird little quiz. I'm not even gonna try to have this result make sense to me. -_-; Tuesday, October 29, 2002 Finally got a hold of the Le Ciel PV. It's so beautiful. *.* It's kinda a bad quality but that's alright. It's still a pretty video. I truely do love Gackt songs very much. ^_^ Been keeping my eye on these three magazines for a while. Still debating whether I want to spend the money on them or not. They are a little expensive. And I am getting a little broke cause of my Halloween costume. -_-; Takanori has a new single coming out tomorrow. Suppose to be the opening for the new Gundam series. Not much of a Gundam fan but I'll probably watch the show just because Takanori's song is in it. After all I did that when I found out about Shazna and Pierrot singing for that magical girl one. (Not very fond of those kind of animes and yet I still watched it for the songs. ^^;) On the side note: I did put up more results. Check them out if you're bored. -_-;
...okay. This one's kinda a little nuts. But hey, there's a kitty in the pic. ^_^ Whose cat is that anyway? Totchi's? Monday, October 28, 2002 Did anyone else notice that Kouzen's shoes has heels?! ^___^ Kyahaha! I love it! So far, I like Gaiden Goku much more than Saiyuki Goku. Tenpou also seems so much more cooler than his reincarnation. (Sorry Hakkai fans! ^^;) Can't decide between Sanzou and Kouzen though. They're too much alike. But it's really funny to see all four of them together. They haven't changed very much when they meet again. My sad excuse for a gothic lolita costume is pretty much done. Just hafta experiment with the makeup later. What sucks is that my history class has a field trip to a circut courtroom on Halloween and they won't let us wear our costumes inside there. Aw well. I'll just bring a change of clothes to wear and then change back afterwards. ^_~ And here's my "Who will I fuck?" quiz results! ^___^
Totchi~! I always love Jrock lesbian men. ^__^ Although now he hardly ever dresses up as a female. Too bad...
Kya~! I'm fucking Gackt! I could care less if he is wrinkly, I'm still fucking him!! XD Sunday, October 27, 2002 Was planning to blog on Friday but things came up. Like that stupid Brownie sleepover my troop planned. We put them to sleep around 9:30 but I hardly got any sleep (cause I was sleepin' on the fricken hard floor). And a few hours later when I finally fell asleep, I get waken up by these 6 year old kids going to the bathroom (which I'm right next to since there wasn't enough space). Then when I try to go back to sleep, I find out that most of them have been waking up. And it's 5 o'clock in the fricken morning!! >< Dammit! How the fuck can kids wake up so early?! I am so not having any kids when I get older... Well besides that incident, I've been having this really big Malice Mizer kick all of a sudden. Desperatly been trying to find that movie they did with Bel Air. You know the one with Mana as a maid and a prostitute. And Kami killing himself in front of Gackt. O.o Yeah, sounds pretty weird but I still wanna see it. ^_^; I'm probably gonna get hit by someone on this but I definetly like the band better when they had Gackt and Kami-chan. Not that Klaha is a bad singer or anything. Gackt's voice just seems to appeal to me more. Mari also got Saiyuki Gaiden! Mari loves it so much. ^_^ Mari also loves Young Goku and Kouzen and Tenpou and Kenren very very much! ^__^ Here's a survey I took from Cori. This was filled out after I came back from that stupid Brownie crap. PAST PRESENT FUTURE CURRENT And here's some results cause I feel like it. ^^; ![]() Which Hyde are you? brought to you by Quizilla Hooyah, Sekushi Hyde!! One of his best hairstyles and songs. ^_^ ![]() Which MALICE MIZER pairing are you? created by: Docudrama. Hey, it's one of the few Jrock pairings I don't mind. That's cool. ^_^ ![]() What's Your Jrock Quirk? Test made by: Docudrama. Uhh...does this mean I'm sexy or something? That's kinda interesting... Wednesday, October 23, 2002 Had no school today (although I did have a rehersal), brought manga at Shirokiya, went to Hot Topic to find accessories for my costume. Yep, I had a pretty good day so far. Now if this stupid headache would just go away... >_< I got FoR 20! More Raiha X Fuuko goodness, Yay~! ^_^ So unusual for me to like a hetro couple but what the heck, they're cute together. ^_^ Also got Angel Sanctuary 1 as well. The manga is so much better than the OVA. I'm glad I gave that series one more try. I'm really starting to like Zaphikiel. He and Raziel kinda remind me of Gure-san and Micchan together, doncha think? ^_^ Starting tomorrow, Mari will be reeeally busy with rehersals so she might not have very much time on the computer. Not that I mind; it's really fun being in a play and all. I'm so gonna be dead tired after it's over. Hope I can live through this and school. >_< Aww, I'm not Zaphikiel. Aw well, at least I'm his servant, right? ^_^ Ah yes before I forget, here's another beautiful scene by Ko. Don't ya just love her? ^___^ Monday, October 21, 2002 I have been clicking on the reload button for the past 30 minutes because of this thing. It's very very addicting... Kurama uke is very kawaii, by the way. ^_^ Some pairings I got that were interesting: Kya! It's a Gure-san layout! Kawaii~! Now all she needs is an A-yan one. ^_^ Wow. This is so me. What's scary is that I do own a lot of pink stuff. O.o Not even my favorite color, either. How'd that happen? Sunday, October 20, 2002 A friend of mine IM-ed me the other day to go to this site and download an AMV called "Shuichi's Question". So I did... I changed my profile yet again. Also organized my clinques and updated my poke-bishounen collection. Found those guys when cleaning up. ^_^ Anyways, on with the survey! ^_^ 1. Name: Mari Saturday, October 19, 2002 *sigh* Everyone's getting ready for Halloween and I don't even have a costume to wear yet. Although I don't really feel like dressing up this year it's still nice to in the Halloween spirit, right? I kinda wanna stay away from store bought ones but I've been so busy with school I haven't found the time to decide want to sew. I don't know, maybe I'll do something simple and be a gothic lolita; that's an idea... Omigosh Codi! I was just looking at that picture awhile ago and now I see it again as your layout! I'm still trying to find Plastic Tree PVs but have not gotten any yet. *sniff* Poor Mari...she wants to see/hear Ryutarou too... T_T Kyahaha~! I love this layout too, Cori! In fact, I love the school boy dressed DeG pics! ^_^ Don't ya just love the look on Kyo's face. Kinda scary to see Kyo lookin' so kawaii though. ^^;'re fucking kidding me, right? There is no way they'll be putting this crap as the cover for YnM DVD! Gawh, It's so ugly! What was wrong with the original one?! Stupid distrubiters... Mari also found a Kingdom Hearts quiz! ^_^ So she took it: ![]() which kingdom hearts character are you? yeah, yeah. jackie made this. And since she loved it so much, she decided to take it again! ^__^ ![]() which kingdom hearts character are you? yeah, yeah. jackie made this. So ya see, Mari is both Sora and Riku. ^_^ Riku X Sora all the way~! ^__^ Thrusday, October 17, 2002 I really hate it when its rainy and muggy. Wednesday, October 16, 2002 Time ta unload some of the results I got from Quizilla. ^_^
Wow. What is it about me and Duo? Isn't this the fourth one so far?
Yeah. I'm Lani. I'm the dog! Wan wan! ...nya~! ^_^
...well...this is a change of pace. Not that I mind getting Squall or anything... ^_^
Yeah! I'm Nuriko! Kick Ass!! ^__^ Tuesday, October 15, 2002 Feeling much better than yesterday. Made a little fuss a few times but I'm more or so back to my old self again. ^_^ And since that contest is over, I can start slacking a little on my diet. ^__^ *munches on pocky and candy* Let's see, I did a few things on my site. Joined more cliques (even though I have enough ^^;), adopted more sprites, rearranged a few things, changed bio a little bit. Oh, and by reading countless numbers of YnM fanfics for the past hour or so, I am more convinced that Tsuzuki should be going for Tatsumi. And Kagrra's the best!! ^___^ And here's Mari's little pic of the week: I've been told that both Maria Tachibana and Leni Milschtrausse from Sakura Wars have a fairly large number of female fans in Japan. During the live stage shows, it's not uncommon to hear shouts of "Maria-samaaaaa!!!" every once in a while So ya see! I'm not alone! ^_^ I'm perfectly normaaal!! ^__^ ...right? Monday, October 14, 2002 I didn't win anything this year either. The 3rd place winner should have won first or second. The 2nd place winner obviously wasn't that good enough to win. And the 1st place winner shouldn't have won anything. Usually she sings really good but this year, it wasn't her best performance. She had better days; I should know. We've been competing in the same contests for the last four years. I really don't think she did that well enough to get first. Just what were those judges were thinking? Don't get me wrong; I'm not complaining just because I didn't place. I didn't think I was that good this year either. But there were so many other people who improved so much during the year and truely deserved to win something... Argh, now I'm depressed. Saturday, October 12, 2002 Forgot to mention... I FINALLY MET CLOUD!!! XD He looks so cool now... *.* *dreamy sigh* I hope he gets a happy ending this time. Saturday, October 12, 2002 Leon: Some guy named David Boreanaz who apparently plays Angel in Buffy. Some of my friends who do watch this show say that he's hot though. I suppose he does an alright job for Squall. And as for the Japanese one... Leon: Hideo Ishikawa. Played Auron in FFX. I guess they kinda are the same. Well, the finals for the Karaoke Contest is tomorrow. I have to wake up bright and early too. Hope I win something this time... Wish me luck! ^_^ Thrusday, October 9, 2002 Nii-san decided to rent Kingdom Hearts a few days ago. Well it is good as expected. I am a little disappointed with a few things though. Like their English pronunciation of "Soarah" and "Kairey". >_< And Wakka is suppose to sound Hawaiian like FFX, not Jamacan! I haven't met Cloud yet (sadly...) but I did get to meet Squall! For some strange reason he also goes by Leon; I haven't found out why yet. But he has long hair now! *.* And he has Rinoa's wings on his jacket now! It's so cuuuute! ^_^ My God, I can't believe there are still people like me who remember this show. I used to watch this when I was around 4. Heck, I still even have some of the episodes of tape. I didn't care for it that much though. But my mom used to love it. ^^; How can a great Jrock band like Shazna and Pierrot sing the opening/closing for a magical girl show?! And being the good little Jrock fangirl that I am, I actually decided to watch an episode of this Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. Gee, Jeanne's costume is pretty Japanesey for someone who is suppose to be a recarnation of Joan of Arc. And the characters' eyes are so big... o.o Tuesday, October 8, 2002 This doesn't even count as a layout. All I did was change the picture and fooled around with the scroll bar and the fonts. Trust me, it wasn't suppose to look like this. I screwed up on my original layout last night, really badly. So I basically got frustrated and snipped and pasted words to make this crappy little pic. God, I can't make layouts, can I? Oh well, the pic's still cute. Then again, Belle's always cute, isn't she? ^_^ I forgot what's her full name was though. I know she has one. Waa~! sf, you're such a nice person! *imitates Goku* Sankyuu~! ^_^ Heh heh, Sanzou's shirtless! ^__^ Along with Gojyo and Hakkai! ^___^ And the Gaiden issues! Kya! Goku kawaii~! Konzen mo Ten-chan mo kawaii~! Ken-niichan's kewl too! ^_^ Ah~, I love Gaiden Goku more than Saiyuki Goku. He just seems so much cuter when he's younger. I loved how Goku looked like when the gang first meet. *sigh* Why did he even cut his hair? I loved that long hair! T_T Maybe Sanzou made him or something... Ah~. I had so much fun in drama today. Blocking for a few scenes, rehearsing, and playing drama feeze tag. I pretended to be the Crocodile Hunter for one scene. Hee hee. ^_^ And I don't know why but this just cracks me up... |