Sunday, November 17, 2002
Music: Shiina Ringo - Honnou
Mari's tomboyish?
 What's your sexual appeal? brought to you by Quizilla
I'm surprised. I thought I would get something cute, like I usually do. I still like it though; it's different ^_^.
Wait, I attract guys and girls? Oh...kay...I never knew that. Nice to know. ^^;
Mari last swooned over Mana @ 9:40 PM.
Sunday, November 17, 2002
Music: T.M. Revolution - Invoke
Thoughts on the new Gundam series
Mwahaha~! Takanori-sama stikes back! ^_^ Invoke is in Mari's head at the moment. *sigh* It's nice to hear his voice again. Although this new song sounds more like Jpop than rock. A more techno-ish kinda beat, but that's alright Mari still loves it ^_^ The Invoke CM looked pretty good too. Ahhn, now I wanna see Invoke PV ^__^
Hm? Oh, I was suppose to talk about Gundam Seed, wasn't I? ^^; It was alright. Kinda like watchin' Infinite Ryvius with Gundams. Only saw the first three so maybe it'll start getting more exciting later. Oh, and did I ever mention that the Gundam people put in yet another bad guy character in a mask? Getting a bit old if ya ask me. Looks a lot like the original masked bad guy from the first series except he has long hair. And is voiced by Seki Toshihiko! ^_^ *sigh* I might start liking that character for his voice... ^^;
And if I remember correctly the main character Kira or something was Hoshi Souichiro and his childhood friend whose on the other side (::begin sarcasm::*gasp* Omigawd! Childhood friends fighting each other! Life sucks! ::end sarcasm::) was Ishida Akira. Oh and Koyasu Takehito was in it too. And he's on the good guy's side! ^_^ Although now everytime I hear his voice during the show I think of him as Zechs. ^^;
Survey Time! Taken from Codi
The Basics…
++ Name: Mari
++ Birthdate: 4. 22
++ Birthplace: Honolulu, HI
++ Current Location: see above
++ Eye Color: Brown
++ Hair Color: Black
++ Righty or Lefty: Righty
++ Zodiac Sign: Taurus
++ Innie or Outtie: Innie
About you...?
++ Your heritage: Japanese
++ The shoes you wore today: slippers
++ Your hair: short, messy shag
++ Your eyes: What about them?
++ Your weakness: Cute young boys in short shorts? ^^;
++ Your fears: rejection
++ Your perfect pizza: Cheese bread! XD
++ One thing you'd like to achieve: To become a seiyuu in Japan ^_^
++ Your most overused phrase on aim: …nya? ^^;
++ Your thoughts first waking up: What time is it?
++ The first feature you notice in the same sex: face
++ Your best physical feature: My skin, I guess. I never had a problem with pimples so…
++ Your bedtime: whenever I feel like it XP
++ Your greatest fear: rejection
++ Your greatest accomplishment: Getting into singing finals.
++ Your most missed memory: Nothing that I can remember.
++ Pepsi or coke: Don’t like either XP
++ McDonald's or Burger King: Either is fine ^_^
++ Single or group dates: Group. More fun that way ^_^
++ Adidas or nike: Either is fine ^_^
++ Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Don’t like ice tea XP
++ Chocolate or vanilla: Either is fine ^_^
++ Cappuccino or coffee: Don't like either. I do like hot chocolate though ^_^
++ Boxers or briefs: Um, I dunno. Never tried wearing boxers ^^;
Do you..
++ Smoke: Nope.
++ Cuss: Fuck yeah.
++ Sing well: Of course. I can sing pretty damn good. XD
++ Take a shower: Everyday
++ Have a crush(es): Only on anime characters and Jrock stars.
++ who are they: Gackt, Ryutaro-chan XD, Leni, Mana-sama XD and a whole bunch.
++ Do you think you've been in love: Once, but that will never happen again.
++ Want to go to college: I guess
++ Want to get married: Not really
++ Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: Of course not
++ Believe in yourself: More or less
++ Get motion sickness: Sometimes
++ Think you're attractive: If I said yes, would that make me conceited? ^_^
++ Think you're a health freak: A little
++ Get along with your parents: Sometimes
++ Like thunderstorms: Not really. I don’t like getting wet ><
++ Play an instrument: My voice? ^^ Well, I did play sax for a few years. Kinda wanna learn how to play guitar though.
In the last month...
++ Drank alcohol: Nope
++ Smoke(d): Nope
++ Done a drug: Nope. (Mari is such a good girl ^^)
++ Have Sex: In my dreams (See Codi, you’re not alone ^^;)
++ Made Out: Nope
++ Go on a date: Nope
++ Go to the mall?: Yep
++ Eaten sushi: Of course ^_^
++ Been on stage: Yups! Last week Thursday and Friday. I’m gonna be on stage a lot this week too. Nya~, I feel so tired. ><
++ Been dumped: Nope
++ Gone skating: Nope
++ Made homemade cookies: Nope
++ Been in love: With Ryutaro-chan, yes ^^
++ Gone skinny dipping: Of course not!
++ Dyed your hair: Nope. Kinda want to though.
++ Stolen anything: Never steal. Stealing is bad! ^^;
Have you ever...
++ Played a game that required removal of clothing?: Uh, no
++ If so, was it mixed company: see question and answer above
++ Been caught "doing something": …hai? ^_^
++ Been called a tease: Yeah, pretty much
++ Gotten beaten up: I don’t think I have
++ Shoplifted: Of course not! Stealing is BAD! ^^;
++ If so, did you get caught: see question and answer above
++ Changed who you were to fit in: Why?
In the future.
++ Age you hope to be married: Don’t wanna get married XP
++ Numbers and Names of Children: see question and answer above
++ Descibe your Dream Wedding: repeat
++ How do you want to die: Without pain would be nice ^_^
++ Where you want to go to college: Wherever. Doesn’t matter
++ What do you want to be when you grow up: A seiyuu / singer! XD
++ What country would you most like to visit: Japan
Opposite Sex...
++ Best eye color?: doesn’t matter. As long as their hot ^^;
++ Best hair color?: doesn’t matter. As long as their hot ^^;
++ Short or long hair: doesn’t matter. As long as their hot ^^;
++ Best height: doesn’t matter. As long as their hot ^^;
++ Best weight: doesn’t matter. As long as their hot ^^; (gee, do I sense a pattern here? ^^;;)
++ Best articles of clothing: short shorts! XD
++ Best first date location: Anywhere as long as I'm with the right person
++ Best first kiss location: Anywhere
Number of..
++ Number of girls/guys I have kissed: Never kept track
++ Number of girls/guys you have made out with: Never kept track ^^;
++ Number of girlfriends/boyfriends you've had: zero
++ Number of drugs taken illegally: zero
++ Number of people I could trust with my life: None so far.
++ Number of CDs that I own: a whole shitload
++ Number of piercings: one on each ear
++ Number of tattoos: zero for now ^_^
++ Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: several
++ Number of scars on my body: A few
++ Number of things in my past that I regret: A few
EDIT: Attcha~, almost forgot. Happi B-day, Aiji! ^_^ May Pierrot live long and prosper,ne! ^_^
And Goddammit, Sloane better not die!! >_<
Mari last swooned over Mana @ 8:27 PM.
Friday, November 15, 2002
Music: Plastic Tree - Aoi Tori
Very very tired
I have survived doing two shows a day in row. And I don't mean just one show yesterday one show today. I mean two shows yesterday and two shows today. O_O Yeah, Mari is pretty tired after that. Oh and the kicker: in every show, we choose kids from the audience to play the kids from Hamelin town. You know, a Pied Piper story has to have kids in it right? So I basically have to work with different kids every day. And you already know my current feelings with kids at the moment. >_<
Yesterday was horrible. People screwed up a lot. Fortuanetly the audience still enjoyed it. The "guest actors" were alright. Except for that stupid forth or fifth grade brat that kinda gave us a hard time because he didn't what to hold hands with anyone. >_< What is he, afraid of cooties or something? At least the pre-K kids were cute in their little costumes we had for them. ^_^
Today went really well. Even the kids were cooperative and pretty much did what they were told. Most of the kids that came were around pre-K to third so maybe that's why. Their attitudes haven't developed yet and they still have their imagination in tact. (If you asked them if the rats were under their seats, they would actually look under their seats! ^_^)
Survey Time! ^_^ Taken from Lez's blog.
01. WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING?: Oh around 7 to 9. On vacation days that is. For some strange reason I can never get up on a school day. >_<
02. IF YOU COULD EAT LUNCH WITH ONE FAMOUS PERSON, WHO WOULD IT BE? Uh, I don’t exactly eat lunch though. I kinda just snack my way until dinner time comes. But I wouldn’t mind sharing something with Totchi, or Aiji, or Gackt…! ^_^
04. WHAT WAS THE LAST FILM YOU SAW AT THE CINEMA? Spirited Away! With subtitles! XD
05. FAVORITE TV SHOW?: At the moment, Will and Grace.
06. WHAT DO YOU HAVE FOR BREAKFAST?: Portuguese Sausage and cheese omelet with rice. Mm, de~lish!
07. WHAT WOULD YOU HATE TO BE LEFT IN A ROOM WITH?: Oh I dunno. Someone who’s annoying as hell? I can name a few. ^^;
09. WHAT INSPIRES YOU?: Not much really.
10. WHAT'S YOUR MIDDLE NAME? Mari~. Ain’t tellin’ my real name though. ^_^
11. BEACH, CITY, Or COUNTRY? City, definetly. I need the excitement.
12. SUMMER OR WINTER? Winter. Me hate sun. >_<
13. FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Anything tasty. ^_^
14. FAVORITE TIME OF DAY? 5 pm and after.
15. FAVORITE COLOR? White and black.
16. FAVORITE CAR?: None in particular.
17. FAVORITE SANDWICH FILLING?: Anything I can stand to eat. I’m a very picky person. ^^;
18. TRUE LOVE? True love? What’s that?
20. FAVORITE FLOWER? Freesia. White lilies are nice too.
26. CAN YOU JUGGLE? Not really.
27. FAVORITE DAY OF THE WEEK: None in particular.
28. RED OR WHITE WINE? Don’t care for alcohol very much.
29. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY?: Uh, I can’t remember. ^^;
31. WHO DO YOU LEAST EXPECT TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? Saa, posting on bloggie. ^_^
33. NAME ONE THING ABOUT YOU MOST PEOPLE WOULDN'T GUESS: That I have many different personalities and that I’m very scary when pissed off? ^^;
 What Pierrot live thing are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Ano, I can't really see it. Is that odd? ^^;
*yawn* I should go bed now but before I do, I wish to show:
The screen cap that is making me think about actually watching Prince of Tennis.
Yes, you can thank Mura for the lovely image. Geez, I haven't even finished watching all my HnG eps and yet I still think about watching a new anime.
Mari last swooned over Mana @ 9:50 PM.
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
Music: Plastic Tree - Tremolo
What Mari really wants for Christmas
a Japanese Playstation 2 system
Angelique Special 2 for Playstation or Sega Saturn
Angelique Trois
Tokimeki Memorial: Girl's Side (Miki-kun! Midorikawa-kun! Koyasu-sensei!! XD)
A good pair of sunglasses
A nice pair of Japanese school girl slouchy socks ^_^
A good working digital camera
So it's a bit early for Christmas. At least I'm ready for it. ^_^ Although I doubt that I'll be getting any of these things this year. ^^; Well, maybe the sunglasses.
I have two papers that are both due next week Monday and I'm still having trouble on starting them. Senior year doesn't seem to go by any faster than all the other years but it sure is getting a lot harder. >_< Oh and I also have those school shows tomorrow morning so that means I have to wake up around 6. Ugh, that's gonna be great. Entertaining kids with absolutly no attention span what so ever. Ah well, if they give me trouble, I'll just whack em with my crutch. Mwahaha! >:3
Naw, just kid. じょうだん, じょうだん. ^_^
Eheheh, yup. I'm pretty much another purituri fan like you two. I hope you mind sharing Ryutaro with me. *bows* te-waitaminute! WHADDIYA MEAN NO MORE SHORT SHORTS?! O_O
 How Jrock are You? brought to you by Quizilla
But I don't care for walks on the beach nor sunsets. I do like cake though. As long as it's not chocolate cake. ^_^
*sniff* No more short shorts...
Mari last swooned over Mana @ 7:31 PM.
Monday, November 11, 2002
Music: Plastic Tree - Tremolo
My new obsess- *cough* love
A brief summary of how my day went: Went rehersal. Came home. Watched some TV. Checked email. Watched Angel Song PV for the first time. Liked PV. Thought Tommy looked cute. Watched Tremolo PV. DROOLED OVER RYUTARO'S LEGS AND SHORT SHORTS. Joined Codi's PuriTuri clique. Saved shitload of Ryutaro pic to hard drive (in his short shorts of course). Burned song to CD. Spend rest of day listening to Tremolo nonstop.
What I learned: That Plastic Tree gain their popularity by their songs as well as their constant showing of Ryutaro's legs and his wardrobe consisting of short shorts.
So basically I found a new band to lust over today. Well, more of a Ryutaro lust that is. The whole singing while being swung on a swing and wearing skeleton wings and a boyish outfit with a top hat was neat but it was the short shorts that sold me. ^^;
Speaking of short shorts, Ko
has put up a new layout which I am totally crushing over. Hee, me like Akira-kun and his short shorts. ^___^ Also found this site thanks to her. Click. Read. Loved the Gravation and Weib ones. The X one was amusing too. ^_^
 Whose Pants Would You Steal? brought to you by Quizilla
^___^ Yay. Mari get Gackt. Mari happy. ^___^ Mari may have fallen for Ryutaro but she will also love Gackt. ^___^
By the way, two hours later after writing that last entry, I passed out. ^^;
Mari last swooned over Mana @ 8:26 PM.
Monday, November 11, 2002
Music: none
I can't sleep!! Why can't I sleep?! Why, dammit, why~?! >____<
*whimper* Wanna sleep...
Mari last swooned over Mana @ 5:22 AM.
Saturday, November 9, 2002
Music: Yaida Hitomi - Nothing
I haven't been blogging for awhile. The school shows are soon so I guess that's keeping me and the rest of the crew busy. I finally have my costume and crutch which is very very frustrating to use. >_< Ah well, Mari ganbarou~!
Ugh, I have this bad nasal drip in my throat and I still have practice today. I think this play is gonna end up getting me sick. -_-
Cori, Kudos on yer mini Jun. Looks really cute. Isn't it great to have plushie of someone you love. *squeezes Leni plushie*
Oh and Lez's new layout is really nice. Sexi Totchi-Ho, hee hee. ^_^
 What type of manga are you? brought to you by Quizilla
If I don't get a perverted result then I'll just get the yaoi one. Isn't that nice. Although I'd prefer it the other way around. ^__^
Mari last swooned over Mana @ 9:19 AM.
Tuesday, November 5, 2002
Music: Yaida Hitomi - Buzzstyle
カレンダー 来た にゃ~!
I picked up my Gackt calendar yesterday! Nyahaha~! ^__^ And it's reeeally preeetty... *sniiiff* Ahh, I can still smell that brand new calendar scent in my room. ^^
Basically it's filled with him posing and looking angst and sexy and stuff at some European looking mansion. (A typical Gackt scene. ^^) Although you can't see it on the front page, he wears this long braided hair extension thingie throughout the calendar. Kinda weird but hey, he still looks hot. ^_^ I wish I could post some of the months but I don't really have an access to a scanner nor a camera. Sorry. ^^;
Oh yes and my mother's reaction when finally seeing the calendar I ordered with her credit card:
"God, he looks like a girl! And he's even wearing makeup! You wasted your money on this?!"
My mother is veeery blunt isn't she... -_-;
 Which type of Gackt pants are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Alrighty, this result makes no sense at all, does it. Say didn't he use this pair at that Vanilla live?
Mari last swooned over Mana @ 7:52 PM.
Sunday, November 3, 2002
Music: Shiina Ringo - Gibbs
a few changes
Moved titles of entries. Changed status; loosely based off of Mifyuu's one. (Hope ya don't mind ^^;) Also updated results.
Argh, I feel so blah today. >< And I have no idea why. Maybe it's cuz of this stupid essay I'm writing that's due tomorrow. I hate thesis papers. I'm also starting to hate my English class too. ><
 Which sad j-rock song are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Funny how I never really got a depressing song. I can't be that optimistic.
EDIT: Finished stupid essay! ^_^ Decided to move some info from the stats around and add lyrics. *yawn* Now if you're excuse me, I think I will take a bath and get some rest...
Mari last swooned over Mana @ 9:17 PM.
Saturday, November 2, 2002
Music: Dir en grey - Myaku
Survey Time!
Wanted to post this up before I leave for rehearsal. Got this either from Codi or Cori. I can't remember. ^^;
Do you bite your nails?: Not any more! ^_^
Can you roll your tongue?: Kinda.
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: Nope. ^^;
Can you blow smoke rings?: Nuh uh.
Can you blow spit bubbles?: Yup.
Can you cross your eyes?: Only for a little while. Gives me a headache. >_<
Tattoos?: Not yet! Gonna get me a tattoo like Yohji’s someday! ^__^
Piercings and where?: Only on my ears.
Do you make your bed daily?: Why should I? It’s gonna get messy again.
What goes on first, bra or underwear?: Underwear.
Which shoe goes on first?: Right one.
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: Probably. ^^;
On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?: Usually around 5 bucks
What jewelery do you wear 24/7?: My small ring earrings.
What's sexiest on a guy?: No shirt, definitely. XD
Would you rather be on time and look OK or 10 minutes late and look great?: Probably on time / look OK.
Favourite piece of clothing: My plaid skirt and my meow shirt. ^_^
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl.
How many cereals in your cabinet?: A lot of healthy cereals my family eats. Not that I eat any. XP
What utensils do you use to eat pizza?: None.
Do you cook?: Every now and then. Let’s just say I can cook a whole lot better than some of my friends. ^^;
How often do you brush your teeth?: Twice a day.
How often do you shower/bathe?: Once. Twice if I’m feeling yucky.
How long does your shower last?: Depends.
Hair drying method: Towel half way, then I let it dry by itself. ^^; I know, I’m very lazy.
Do you paint your nails?: Sometimes.
Do you swear?: Fuck yeah!
Do you ever spit?: Not all the time.
Do you pee in the shower?: Uh…no?lt;/P>
The CD Player: Burned Jrock CD.
Person you talk most on the phone with: No one in particular.
What color is your bedroom?: Uh…wood color? ^^;
Do you use an alarm clock?: Yup.
Name one thing you are obsessed with: Jrock. Then would come Anime.
Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex?: Nope.
Ever sunbathed nude?: Me no like sun.
Window seat or aisle?: Window! ^_^
What's your sleeping position?: On my back or hugging my pillow or my Leni plushie. ^_^;
What kind of bed do you like?: Big n?comfy. ^_^
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: Not really.
Do you snore?: Nope.
Do you sleepwalk?: Nope.
Do you talk in your sleep?: …I might. ^^;
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Hell yeah! *squeezes Leni plushie*
How about with the light on?: Done that a few times. ^^;
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: Did that a few times as well. ^^;
What is the first thing you notice when you look at a guy?: His face. Then his body. (Why yes, appearance does mean a lot to me. ^_^;)
What do you think of cheating?: Well obviously if you're in a relationship you shouldn't be cheating.
Makeup: Only when I’m on stage or going out.
Virgin?: Guess. ^_^
Took a shower?: Last night.
Watched Bambi: Don’t remember.
Cried?: Can’t remember.
Talked on the phone?: Today.
Read a book?: This morning.
Punched someone: It’s been awhile.
Where do you see yourself in ten years?: In Japan, getting famous, screwing Jrockers. XD
Who are you going to be married to?: No like marry. Now if he was filthy rich?^__^
How many kids?: No want kids. It’ll ruin my body. >_<
Your profession: Seiyuu / Singer. Kinda like a Megumi Hayashibara! XD
Future School: Saa?lt;/P>
 Which Awkward Gackt Moment are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Gee, I'm starting to get a lot of perverted results lately. Not that this one is bad, mind you. ^__^
Mari last swooned over Mana @ 8:36 AM.
Friday, November 1, 2002
Music: Dir en grey - Taiyou no Ao
 What Piece of Kyonatomy are You? brought to you by Quizilla
I have no idea how I got this. Was it because I answered that last question with "Mana's bitch"? ^^;
Remember how hooked I was on Malice Mizer a few days ago? Well it's gradually fading away. But now I've been listening to Dir en grey nonstop. ^^;; Help me.
Mari last swooned over Mana @ 11:13 PM.
Friday, November 1, 2002
Music: Dir en grey - ZAN
Mari wanted a new layout but was too busy to make one so she used a wallpaper! ^^; I know it's lame but hey it's my blog. Besides who could resist a nurse Mana-sama? It's all good. You can find the wallpaper at the site which I linked on the left panal. The original one doesn't have the lyrics though. Put that on by myself. ^_^;
My, a lot of stuff happened. Yesterday went to my history class' field trip to a live courtroom. Was. Really. Boring. >_< Got away with wearing my costume in court since it wasn't as "offensive" as some others. Although I ended up somehow putting a run in my stocking and wrecking my brother's tie. -_-; After practice I went to the mall with a couple of friends. Which was crowded full of kids trick-or-treating. So we all got to see a lot of cute little kiddies all dressed up. Then we see this kid dressed up as a Black Magician card. And I instantly think about:
I miss you~! Hurry up and email me or something, you dork! XP
Anyway, today I had another field trip. Watched Sprited Away for Japanese class...with SUBTITLES. ^_^ Yep, it was all good. Kinda like watching a messed up Japanese version of Disney Alice in Wonderland, with more cuter parts. Chihiro and Haku make a great couple. ^_^ Although the ending was a bit weak. Guess Miyazaki couldn't put in another 10 minutes in the end since the movie itself was about 2 hours long. Oh, and it had dustbunnies! The dustbunnies make another appearance! Dustbunny Power! XD
 The slightly dysfunctional Weiss Kreuz Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
Wow, it's been awhile since I posted any anime results. Oh look, I got Yohji again. What's up with me and Yohji? Aw well, it was a fun quiz anyway.
Mari last swooned over Mana @ 7:26 PM.